Planning Time

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It has been three days since I brought the buckets to school for collecting change and as of today at lunch, we have collected three dollars and seventeen cents, a dirty kleenex, and a used piece of gum. You would think that at least the teachers would have given some money on Miss Bennett's behalf, but all I have heard from them is - "I'm going to write you a check later", or "I never carry cash, even change", or "Just waiting on payday".

So far The Round Table has collected three dollars and seventeen cents and some nastiness, and we have not even started planning for the pool dance.

At lunch I announce to the whole table my official findings as the treasurer, and then I say, "This is terrible. We are a bunch of pathetic losers just like the whole school thinks."

Brett agrees. He says, "Yep, Carson, you got that right. We are a bunch of losers. That's what we are for sure."


Funny, this bunch of weirdos has never really known they are a weird bunch of losers. The truth hurts, but I say it. Even when I am a loser now too. I guess I have to accept my fate until I get back on the team, get my girl back, and get back on the top.

I think we need to just give in and admit we are losers so I say, "I think we just need to forget about the dance. Not even plan it. Show them all. No planning means no dance, means we get our revenge."


What? Brett is mean, but I did not know he was a quitter. I say, "Are you crazy? No dance? That is mean. People love the dance, and we are not going to be mean to other people just because they have been mean to us."

Brett shrugs his shoulders like he could care less, and then big mouth Shoshone puts her two cents in.


"I'm with Brett on this," I say, as I smile my most dazzling smile for him. "Amelia, you are a winner in the loser election, so you should be mad."

"I am mad," says Amelia, "but I am not stooping to their level."

"Girl," I say, "There's no stooping to their level now because you are here." I point down low. "And they are here." I point up high.

"People are all the same, Shoshone," Amelia says in her usual bossy butt voice.

And Josh, who has been the stinky kid most of his life and should be the maddest person at the table, and my used-to-be best friend, Maddie, and even Timmy chime in.

Josh and Maddie and Timmy

Maddie: Amelia is right. We are all the same.

Josh: We are the same. Maybe not on the outside, but we are all the same on the inside. We have the same feelings. We feel the same, and we hurt the same. We need to just all get along. Everyone has problems, and they don't need other people piling on.

Maddie: I think we need to get to work on the dance and the fundraising.

Timmy: I can hold my breath for a long time. I want to have the pool dance. And do not worry, Carson, about the collections. I will bring my change for Miss Bennett to the pool dance. I want to surprise Miss Bennett. You are only a loser if you think you are a loser. Miss Bennett said that we should not let other people define who we are.

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