Day Four - Last Day of The Round Table

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Today is the last day of Round Table and though I'll miss seeing gorgeous Josh up close, I think I am ready to return to my boring life and my boring lunch table. Besides, I don't think he knows I exist. He was smiling and friendly the first day, but today Josh is quiet. He looks like his stomach hurts, and I notice he is not eating his lunch and is holding his right hand inside his hoodie pocket like he is hiding a secret in there.

I finally get up my nerve and when Shoshone says something about seeing if Mia has some chips today, I lean in and say where only he can hear me, "What's wrong?"

Josh shrugs like nothing is wrong.

I say, "With your hand?"

He looks around, and then he pulls his hand out of his hoodie pocket and shows me under the table. I cannot help myself because his hand is all swollen and purple and black. I gasp and say, "Oh no."

Timmy echoes me, "Oh no."

Shoshone on the other side of Josh leans in to look and says, "What happened, dude?"


Girls are nosy. And they always want to help you out. While I think that is kind of sweet and what I like about girls, they are a lot like teachers - all concerned, but they never really solve my problems. I quickly learn that my new friends, Shoshone and Maddie, are not typical girls.

First, Shoshone says in the same breath, "What happened dude? Did you get mad and hit something? Did somebody hit you? Did your old man do that? Have you been in a fight? I will smack that Brett's face, if it was him."

Before I have time to respond, Maddie gently takes my hurt hand into hers and holds it like it is a precious gift and says, very calmly like a grown-up would, "It may be broken. We need to get help before we beat someone up or ask more questions. Let's take him to see the nurse." Her hand feels cool against my hand which feels like it is burning and about to bust open. Right now, if it does bust open, it will be a relief.

"I can't go," I say.

"Why, darling?" asks Maddie. I swear she calls me darling. I am not sure she realizes it. I notice that inside all the racoon-looking eye makeup she has on are the most beautiful green eyes with specks of gold in them. The gold is sparkling just for me, like it wants to say something to me, only me. I feel hot. I think I must have a fever. Am I hallucinating?

"I can't go to the office," I say, and I hang my head because it is not always a proud moment when you admit you are stupid. "I'll be in trouble. I punched a locker two days ago. I was mad. Principal G said next time I'm in trouble, I will be suspended out. My dad will kill me." I add with a smile like it could never happen, "My dad might break my other hand."

Maddie looks at me like she feels sorry for me and says, "If we don't get help, honey, it will get worse. I can tell it hurts. We have got to go see the nurse."

Honey. She called me honey. Next thing I know, two of the prettiest girls in seventh grade - one with incredible green eyes - are escorting me to the office to see the nurse like I am their cherished treasure that they are delivering to the queen.

These girls are not your usual seventh grade girls. They are a new word I learned today. Shoshone and Maddie are atypical.


Boys are stupid. They punch things that can't punch back or don't bend. Things that are not squishy like a pillow or a teddy bear. No, they punch steel or concrete or something that will break your hand. I guess it is better than punching your sister. That is what I admire about Josh. I can tell he would never punch a girl like some boys I know. No matter how mad he gets.

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