Two Days After the News

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I am feeling my feelings today. I am expressing my feelings because Miss Bennett said that it is important to express our feelings. I say to my best friend Josh, "I am sad today."

"I am sad too." Josh is showing empathy.

Miss Bennett is young, and she is strong. She can fight the cancer - that is what yesterday's counselor said. Miss Bennett is not like my granny who is dead because she had cancer. And Miss Bennett is young, and my granny was old. And probably all worn out.

I say to Josh because I am showing my empathy too, "I am sorry you are sad today."

When Miss Bennett gets back she can check "Shows empathy for others" off my list and off Josh's list too.


Devastate. It means "to lay waste to, overwhelm, ruin, destroy, wreck, smash." You can be on the other end of the word and then you are devastated, and that is what I am today. I am devastated. Devastated by the truth of where Miss Bennett has been. I just learned this vocabulary word today in English class. Where has this word been? I have needed this word all my life, and it just showed up today. Perfect timing. Devastated.

The cafeteria was quiet yesterday. It was like we were all mourning Miss Bennett who is not dead yet. It felt like the right thing to do - be quiet because there was sad news. The teachers told us the truth in first period yesterday. They apologized for not telling us sooner. By sooner, they meant before Timmy had his melt down. There were counselors available, in case we needed to talk. None of them was Miss Bennett.

After our one day of mourning yesterday, it is back to normal today around me. Kids are laughing and talking. Acting like nothing is wrong. Like everything is the same as always. Kids are acting like they always do, even when nothing is ever normal for me.

I feel like smashing something. I feel like wrecking something. I feel like devastating everything around me. I sit on my one good hand.


It is the third day in a row that I have packed a more sensible lunch. I am trying to get outside my head and look around. Notice others, just like Miss Bennett said. She said, "Mia, everyone has problems. Things that frighten them, or worry them, or make them sad or anxious. Start noticing others and start helping others, and you will see, it will make you feel better about yourself."

Miss Bennett minded my business some, but she did give good advice sometimes.

I am eating my bologna sandwich. I have sour cream and onion chips today. I didn't pack them yesterday, and they are my surprise. I can eat my sour cream and onion chips today, but I notice somebody who needs them more. I give them to Timmy. He shares them with Josh.


I am in love with a moody, angry, beautiful boy. Josh is mad today. I can tell because he is sitting on his one good hand. I bet Miss Bennett told him to do that to keep from punching someone or a locker.

Miss Bennett is lovely inside and out. I idolize her and want to be her when I grow up. She is my role model for a grown up life that will be perfect. I am her number one fan, and she is my idol. But to Josh, Miss Bennett is more. She is his lifeline.

I look around the table at my new friends. Miss Bennett tried to help us all by assigning us to this Round Table table. Now we need to help her. If we don't figure out a way to help her and to make Josh feel better, he's going to have two broken hands.

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