Monday and Still The Round Table

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Miss Bennett is not here today. Thank goodness. Old witch Mrs. Branson just points to The Round Table and says, "Don't even ask me. We are continuing this Round Table thing until Miss Bennett gets back."

I try to look like I am mad, but secretly I am relieved. I don't have a regular table anymore because my old girlfriend sits there with some of my old team, and now I am all alone. Just another fool at the round, used-to-be detention table that is now the loser table. At least I don't have to explain the cast on my arm and what happened.

I sit down and loud girl Shoshone immediately asks me, "What happened, Brett?"

I don't think they know I am off the team. Maybe, nobody knows. I don't think Coach has told anyone. I am mad at him, but he can be a straight up guy sometimes.

Everyone is staring at the cast on my throwing arm and there is no denying, so I just tell them part of the truth. "I punched a locker."

They all laugh like I have told the funniest joke. I notice other people looking our way. I feel myself getting mad. "What's so funny?"

Josh holds his cast up and says, "I think the same locker beat me up too."

Ok, that is kind of funny. I laugh too and say, "Well, my locker was big and tough. I think it had been lifting weights because it felt like I was punching steel."

Now, everyone is laughing, me too. Other kids are looking, and I don't care. Let them look. The loser table is having fun.


I do not know what is so funny. Broken arms are not funny. But, since my best friend Josh is alive, I am happy. I laugh too.

I do not like broken-arm-Brett any better than the old Brett, but he is nice today, so I will try to be nice too. I show my empathy when I say, "I am sorry you hurt your arm, Brett. I am glad you are not dead too."

Broken-arm Brett is trying to show manners too because he says, "Thanks?" with a question mark at the end. He has a lot to learn. I will have to teach him about question marks at the end of sentences.


Everyone is laughing except Carson. He is quiet again today, which is kind of nice, but he looks sad so I ask him, "What is wrong Carson? You look like you lost your best friend."

Carson looks at Brett before he says, "I don't really have a best friend. I guess I never had one."

"Oh," I say because what do you say to that to make someone feel better.

Carson who has hardly talked today, then adds, "And there's the whole election thing, you know, the class election."

"Oh yeah," I say, "Congratulations."

"Yes. Congratulations," says Maddie, "I heard you got secretary or treasurer or something. Congratulations."

"Treasurer, but no need for congratulations," says Carson, "I know it was all a joke."

"Joke?" I ask.

And then Carson explains what I know already. He explains about the loser election.

"That's mean," says Mia.

"My brothers go to the high school," I say, "I heard they did that at homecoming. They all thought it was hysterical."

"I don't think it is, Shoshone," says Mia, "but it does explain why I am the new class secretary."

"Congratulations, Mia," Carson says with not much enthusiasm.

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