Three weeks Later- Week of the Pool Dance

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We have just finished counting the money from today's collection for Miss Bennett. Juanito's Dr.  Martin Luther King speech really inspired students. Only the seventh graders heard the speech, but someone, I'm guessing they were thinking it was hysterical, taped it on their phone. The video went around the school, and everyone saw it. Commenter's did think it was funny, but they also thought the intent behind the speech was admirable, and so they wanted to support Miss Bennett too. So far we have raised $1689.18 to help Miss Bennett in her time of need.

We have an assembly after lunch today for the chorus and band to perform. Principal G says Miss Bennett is dropping by to thank us today, and he wants The Round Table to be on stage with her and say a few words.

I am really proud. I feel like a winner today.


We look great today. The Round Table and most of the seventh grade are wearing the pink t-shirts I designed that say "Bennett's Bunch" on the front and the quote from Juanito's speech "We will never surrender" on the back. I called around town with my mom's help and got the t-shirts donated. We sold them for five dollars and all the proceeds will go to Miss Bennett. Principal G told me that Miss Bennett is coming to the assembly today. It is a surprise to everyone but The Round Table that she is coming, and it is a surprise I am going to present her with a check for a little over a thousand dollars today from the t-shirt sales.

I am so excited and nervous. All eyes will be on me. Can I do it? Can I walk onto the gym floor in front of everyone and not faint? Can I be the one everyone is looking at? The center of attention?

I think I can.


My best friend, Shoshone, is a natural public relations salesman genius. She has found her calling. She took the pink color that Josh and I are using to decorate for the dance and made beautiful t-shirts to support Miss Bennett. Everyone loves them. She has helped raise a lot of money and today (she told me her secret) she gets to present a check to Miss Bennett at the assembly.

The real secret is that Shoshone has two checks. Her mean brothers helped her raise some money at Friday's football game. The team wore pink socks and dedicated the game to Miss Bennett. They passed a hat at the gate and raised over two thousand dollars. I guess Shoshone's brothers are not as bad as we thought. I can't wait to see Miss Bennett.

So far, The Round Table has raised a lot of money to help Miss Bennett. Do you think there will be other surprises at the assembly?

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