"Better," Axel mumbled bluntly and flatly. Fable giggled. 

"You don't sound like it," Fable rolled onto her side. Well, I'm going to let you sleep. Hopefully, in the morning, you'll be more energized because I have a lot to tell you about." Fable waited for Axel to respond, but he didn't; it seemed like he just went straight to sleep. Fable rolled to her other side and stared at the blank wall for a moment before her eyes sunk to a close. 

Meanwhile, Serina was out in the living room, investigating the mirror the Grand Witch gave her. Using her hands and her eyes, she analyzed its shape, color, and texture. Then, she turned the mirror over and noticed some writing etched into the wooden backing, but it was in a language that she didn't understand. She resorted to Fable's book of languages.

"Hmm...." Serina flipped through the pages of the book and found nothing. "Damn it." Serina aggressively slammed the book closed and set it aside. Serina looked back at the strange language; what could it mean? Who wrote it? Only Xenia knows; Xenia! That's right! Serina's mind generated the idea to take the mirror to Xenia to get the language decoded. Serina rose to her feet, went outside, mounted Akari, and brought the wolf into a gallop toward Xenia's temple. 

The ground shook as Akari's massive paws collided with the forest floor. A white vapor erupted from her snout as the cold air collided with her warm, moist breath. Akari's claws ripped up the ground as she made a sharp turn to the left, then to the right, then finally left once more to reach the bridge to Xenia's temple. Serina guided Akari slowly across the bridge with heavy, plodding steps. As Serina rode across the bridge, she looked at the mirror once again. As Serina was about to get lost in thought, she was interrupted by the sound of the temple gates rumbling open. Serina ducked her head under the entrance as she rode through the open gates.

"Madam Serina. Do you seek the council of Xenia?" asked one of the guards, glancing up at Serina with a sword in his clutches. 

"Yes. I want to ask about a strange, new language I discovered." Serina held the mirror down toward the guard and showed them the language. "It's on the back of this mirror. I want to know what it means."

The guard would nod. "Very well." The guard turned to the giant, silver gate. "Open the shield gate! A White Dove comes for an answer!"

Suddenly, the floor shook as the silver gate slowly opened, then, seated upon her throne of gold was Xenia, with her wolf, Felicity, laying at her feet, her golden fur shimmering under the massive, gold chandelier mounted on the ceiling. Xenia opened her arms upon seeing Serina.

"Ah! Serina! Please come in, my dear!" Xenia's booming voice shook the very walls that encompassed the pair. Serina dismounted from Akari and approached Xenia's throne, and then she bowed at her sandaled feet.

"It's a Pleasure to be in your presence, your greatness," Serina said before rising to her feet and glancing up at the giant goddess that was Xenia. So...uh. I have this mirror here." Serina gingerly held the mirror up to Xenia, who leaned forward to look at it. Sensing its black magic, Xenia raised an eyebrow and pulled her head back slightly.

"Why do you have something infused with black magic?" Xenia inquired. "You know that thing could harm you, right?"

"Yes. I am aware of the dangers, but it could be used to stop Caldrufini." Serina put the mirror away. "I spoke with the witches at the Cauldron, and they informed me of its power."

"Caldrufini? I struck him down into the Cauldron! What do you mean to stop him?" Xenia inquired. 

"Well, there is an attack coming." Serina glanced back at the silver gate. "Those gates can only hold so much until they break, your greatness. I know these mirrors can deflect the curses he throws." Serina looked back up at Xenia. "What do you say?"

"Well, if what you're saying is true, then collect as many as you can get."  Xenia shuffled in her throne. "Anyway, about the language on the mirror?"

"Yes, your greatness. What does it say?" Serina showed Xenia the mirror again. Xenia looked at it, and within seconds, she decoded it. 

"Black magic repellent. That's what it says," Xenia said before leaning back on her throne. "Do you have anything else you need help with?" 

"Nothing more, your greatness." Serina bowed at Xenia's feet before exiting the throne room. Xenia placed her hand on her heart as Serina left to express her love toward her and the rest of the White Doves. Serina mounted Akari and rode back to the Roost. Serina glanced up at the moon; it seemed to smile back at her. A cold wind barreled through Serina's hair as she continued to ride through the Red Timber Forest. Serina looked at the mirror again before setting it in Akari's thick, plush fur.

Serina stepped inside the Roost and took off her robes. Then, she went straight to bed, hoping to discuss her findings with the other two in the morning. 

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