6. High Stakes and Events

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"No word about the girl?" Kurogiri cautiously asked the livid boy with hands adorning his body.

"If I had word on the girl, do you think I would be sitting here right now?" He bit as he chugged the drink that was in front of him, slamming it back down onto the bar hard enough to send it into shatters.


"I need to know who she is." His hand slammed down onto the table, leaving one finger precisely off.

Always just the one.

Kurogiri watched the young man, itch, yell, slam into things all over the idea of one girl. Who could she be to him? Why does he feel drawn to someone no one remembers?

"He knows doesn't he? He just isn't telling me because I failed my mission." He decided. "This is my punishment, isn't it Kurogiri?"

He kicked over a chair before storming from the room. If he must endure psychological torture, then he would do it in solitude as he thought.

Thought about you—and where the hell you came from.

"Dodge!" You yelled as you swung your fist, leaving Midoriya barely stumbling away from your trajectory.

"Again!" You called out.

The two of you were panting, and your fists flew in nonsensical patterns. Midoriya was catching on quick, the boy had stunning reflexes when he truly focused.

You were amazed.

Then suddenly it was like time stopped for you, your eyes were glued to his. Midoriya's expression turned horrific as he barely stopped himself from punching you square in the nose.

"W-What?" He panted as he stumbled forward.

You blinked, suddenly extremely embarrassed. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to stare I'm an idiot and I think I may just be a little hungry and okay I'm going to go die now."

You fell backwards and allowed yourself to be hidden by the dandelions. You tried not to wince as your back viciously smacked against the ground. You were acting like an airhead and you wanted to float into space to put you out of your misery.

Izuku took a moment to rummage through your bags before sitting next to you with a water and a snack.

"Here." He handed it to you before laying down next to you.

"I'm nervous." You admitted.

"About the festival?" He asked quietly.

The two of you had been training hard together for about two weeks, but that didn't stop the fearful feeling that came with showcasing your power and skill to the whole country.

"Yeah." You could tell he was surprised you even answered, you always shied away from opening up like that.

He was quiet for a moment since he knew your emotions were extra delicate since the attack on the USJ.

He wanted to reassure you in a way that you would truly believe what he was saying.

"It's going to be your chance to prove yourself." He began. "To show the others how you strengthened your resolve. I can see how strong you've gotten, I just hope you see it too."

Your eyes flickered towards him and you noticed he was smiling as he twirled a dandelion by its stem between his fingers.

You sat up and plucked one out of the ground. "Okay." You began and he sat up slowly, giving you a funny look.

The One Who Lived // Izuku MidoriyaWhere stories live. Discover now