1. Secrets and Vengeance

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"What the hell happened here?" The way his voice tremored was muffled by the destruction that was before them.

"We still haven't identified the cause of the catastrophe." An officer approached Aizawa along with an old retired hero following suit.

"What?" Aizawa, eyes narrowed as he tried to pin the identity of the older hero beside the officer.

"The only reasonable explanation would be a villain attack—but this area is known to be relatively peaceful. All Might does an incredible job at keeping this area safe." His eyes met his through his yellow goggles, "Along with you as well, Eraserhead." He stammered and Shota waved his hand, dismissing his unnecessary praise.

"A-Anyways—there was only one survivor."

Aizawa stiffened. "Why the hell didn't you lead with that?"

The officer shook his head apologetically. "It's a little girl. She's quite young, couldn't be older than two."

He blinked, hard. "What?-Where is she?"

He jerked his finger backwards. "One of the heroes has her."

The fallen leaves and bit of debris crunched under the soles of his boots, running in the direction of the little girl and ignoring the shouts of the officer and retired hero.

Aizawa was drawn to this case, to this girl.

After pushing past a swarm of pros, he found her snuggled up against the chest of one of the heroes, sound asleep.

"Let me have her." Aizawa snapped.

"Excuse me?" She retorted, not recognizing the hero who stuck to the shadows.

Aizawa pried the child of the hero's arms, ignoring her shouts of protest.

The child jolted, startled awake by the woman's shouts and the abrupt movement. She pulled herself up in his arms and silently rubbed her little eyes.

She was the youngest catastrophe victim he had ever seen.

"Mama?" She drawled slowly, looking around confused.

Aizawa held the small girl close. "I've got you." He whispered, and the beat of his heart quickened as the terrified child clung to him, the light dimming in those bright eyes, crying into his chest.


"I'm in way over my head."

"You know why I can't take her, Shota."

"Sir, with all do respect, I only met you a few weeks ago, so no, I'm not entirely clear why you can't take her. You're much older than I am and much more equipped to take care of a child." His foot stomped against the floor, like he was a child himself proving his point.

The deep red chair in the corner of his apartment creaked as Gran Torino stood and walked over to the girl. Her little snores filled the temporary silence of the room, a look of peace flittered across her features.

It had been a few weeks since the retired hero had come to see her. After finding out the truth of her identity and the family she came from, he was quite alarmed.

"I have obligations that are far greater than one sole child. If he ever found out-"

"I'm getting real tired of everything revolving around him and his needs." Aizawa let out a grunt, crossing his arms and donning his typical scowl.

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