Chiaki's Story

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Sarada: It's starting.......

Boruto: Yeah.......

Sarada and Boruto looked at the screen illuminate the darkness. Suddenly, they saw the same girl in the same perky orange hair, except she was wearing a red gown and a small tiara on her hair.

Servant #1: Chiaki-sama, your meal is ready.

Chiaki: Please wait for 10 minutes. I'll be coming down after warrior practice.

Servant #1: Chiaki-sama, your brother Master Kosuke wants to meet you there.

Chiaki: Tell him to wait for me. I'll be coming down in 10 minutes as promised.

Servant #1: (hesitates) Of course, Chiaki-sama.

Sarada looked in awe at the screen.

Sarada: Chiaki was a royal? And how is Kosuke her brother?-

Boruto: We should keep watching to understand.

Sarada and Boruto leaned forward to look at the screen.

Kosuke: Chiaki, where were you?

Chiaki: Brother, I was training. I've finally come to understand the importance of training. I want your blessings-

Kosuke: Chiaki, I want you to completely stop your training.

Chiaki looked in awe.

Chiaki: What do you mean, brother? My training is going so well. I can't stop once I've come this far.

Kosuke: Look Chiaki, I don't have the time to quarrel with you. You will not train to become a warrior in the war, is that clear?

Chiaki gritted her teeth and stood up abruptly and slammed her hands onto the wooden table. 

Chiaki: Well, it's not my fault your girlfriend died!

Chiaki instantly cupped her mouth the moment she mentioned his girlfriend. Kosuke looked down and also stood up, towering over Chiaki's body. Chiaki instantly regretted everything she had said.

Chiaki: I.......I'm sorry......

Kosuke: (sighs) That's exactly why I do not want you to become a warrior. Please promise me you won't train anymore....I cannot afford to lose someone else close to me.


Chiaki looked faced towards the door and opened the door handle. As she exited and closed it behind her, she clenched her hands into fists and started running towards her room. 

Chiaki: Brother never lets me do anything. Why? All because he lost his girlfriend in the war. I get she was everything to him, but that doesn't mean he can make me stop doing what I love. 

Chiaki slumps a bag onto her bed and throws clothes inside. She finds a cloak and throws it over body.

Chiaki: If Brother won't let me train, then I'll do it myself. 

She wears the bag and jumps out from the window. She runs through the masses of bushes and escapes to a place where there is a border. Sarada realises that this is the border between the world she lives in and the Sun.

Chiaki: What is this? Maybe I should go through here?

Chiaki goes out and looks up to see the starry sky. 

Chiaki: It's so pretty.

She finally arrives at a village and bumps into a man. Sarada's eyes widened.

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