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Boruto: 'It's been five months, Dad....since the war ended. Konohamaru Nii-chan is doing good at being the 8th Hokage. Sometimes he's complaining about his work but that's alright. I know he can deal with it because I know you did. But don't worry, he has Sarada helping him and as we all know, Sarada can do just about anything when it comes to doing Hokage work.'

I turn around to see Sarada's long raven black hair flash in my eyes as she composes herself down to watch the stars. Her eyes sparkled at the different constellations. I felt my face warm, but I knew she wouldn't accept me. For her only goal at the moment was becoming Hokage, and to her, love and romance would take only astray her off her path. Unfortunately, she had both her father and mother's strong determination. 

Sarada: Hi Boruto. Visiting Nanadaime again? 

Boruto: Yeah. What about you? Visiting Sasuke-san again?

Sarada: Yeah.

An awkward silence had filled the atmosphere.

Sarada: you ever wonder what it's like to be up there? They're probably having the fun of their lives and teasing us about how much work we're doing here, not living a life of leisure. Kawaki's probably teasing you up there too. *sighs* I wish I went there with them-

Boruto: Don't say that! 

Sarada looked at him, shocked. Boruto tried to make the atmosphere more amusing.

Boruto: If I let you go there, I would be punished by the Sasuke-san in the heavens, right? He wouldn't want his one and only daughter to come for him so quickly.

Sarada: Yeah, I guess you're right! If I left early, I wouldn't be able to become Hokage. So right now, I'll do anything to become Hokage.

Once again, the awkward silence.

Boruto: Hey Sarada....don't you ever want to fall in love? So many guys are drooling over you, and yet you're not choosing even one of them.

Sarada looks at him and back to the stars.

Sarada: If I fell in love now, I wouldn't be able to become Hokage. I must remain focused and not waver even a little bit. 

Boruto looks down.

Boruto: I see.... focused, huh? You really want to become Hokage.

Sarada: Yeah, it's been my dream since I was young. Now that I'm Hachidaime's apprentice, there's no way I'm backing out of this dream.

Boruto tries to change the subject, or else he'd tear up. He knows Sarada wouldn't fall for him.

Boruto: Sarada, the day Sasuke-san and Dad died...did Dad tell you something? I saw you near him and trying to heal him. I saw his lips moving so I supposed he said something. Is there anything I should know? 

Sarada looked at him and then back to the pavement.

Sarada: N-no. He didn't.

Sarada was lying, and he knew it. Yet he never delved into the details.

Sarada: Well, I better get going! Mama will be worried if I don't return by 11 pm.

Boruto: Bye, Sarada! 

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