Chapter 3

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"Are you sure this is they way to kill werewolves, Yeonjun"

"Yeah that's what it says in the book. Let's just write this and finish this stupid assignment. Man who gives assignment on the first day." Yeonjun said while sulking.
"It's not YOUR first day. It's first year students 'FIRST DAY'. So stop sulking, Junie."
"Whatever." Yeonjun said, rolling his eyes.

Heeseung's POV

He sighed heavily, feeling his fast heartbeat now calming down.
'And I thought I was finally getting close to the killer. Why are humans so interested in werewolves though.'

He just opened the door and saw two boys sitting on the bench with paper scattered around them. As he entered, they both turned their heads to him.
"Hello." Heeseung said bowing down to both of them.
The tallest of the three stood up and said "Hello, I'm Soobin and this is Yeonjun. We are 3rd year students."
"I'm Heeseung, 2nd year transfer student."
"Oh, that's cool." Yeonjun said, putting all the papers in his bag. "Do you want to get lunch with us, Heeseung? We were just going to the cafeteria."
"Yeah sure."

They entered the cafeteria when someone called Yeonjun.
"Junie, here."
Heeseung saw a boy sitting there with 2 girls waving in their direction.
They all went to their table. When someone shouted.


We were eating peacefully when Taehyun called someone.
"Junie, here."
Then I saw three boys coming in our direction. One of them was looking awfully familiar.
"You!!!". I said remembering he was the boy who I met in the morning. My blood boiled as I remembered his behaviour in the morning.

Heeseung's POV

I moved my eyes in the direction of the voice, and found out it was the same girl who ran into me this morning. I just ignored her, rolled my eyes and settled down.
"Don't you think you should apologise for being rude to me this morning, Mr Rude face."
"YOU ran into ME, YOU didn't look where you are going and fell down. And I need to apologise. The hell is wrong with you, girl."
I said, trying to control my anger.
"Oh, really. When I apologised, you could've just nicely accepted it instead of 'LoOk wHeRe yOu ArE gOinG, gUuRrrL'." She said trying to copy my voice. This girl is really annoying the shit out of me.

3rd person's POV

"Wait, you guys have met before." Suzy said, getting more confused seeing her new friend having an argument with a boy.
"Ofcourse not, this idiot just ran into me this morning." Heeseung mumbled getting annoyed by the whole conversation.
"Listen up Rude face, you could've just acted nicely and we would not be having this conversation." Y/N said.
"How the hell do you think this is a CONVERSATION." Heeseung scoffed.

"Ok enough, let's forget everything and eat break will be over soon." Soobin said trying to stop further argument.
"Wait Junie let me introduce my new friends, this is Suzy and this is Y/N."
"Hello, I'm Yeonjun. This is Soobin, we both are 3rd year students. And that is Heeseung, a 2nd year student. We just met him at rooftop."
They all said greeting each other and started eating and talking. Everyone was eating peacefully except for Y/N, who was throwing daggers at Heeseung with her eyes. He could feel the glares from Y/N but he just ignored it and ate his food quietly not wanting to talk anymore as his patience was getting thinner.


Heeseung's POV

The bell rang depicting the end of school.
"Ok, class that's it for your first day. Please revise today's topic." The Mr. Jung said, packing his stuff and leaving the class.
Finally, this stupid day ended.
After talking to some students I got to know that behind this university, there is a forest which is pretty dangerous. I wanted to check that myself as no one really knew much about it. All they knew was 'Do not go there.' 'It is really dangerous.'
Apparantly everybody knew about that forest being dark and dangerous. I might find some clue in there. I packed all my stuff, getting ready to leave.
In the way I was thinking about THAT day.

'He did this, he is back.'

As much as I knew about our enemies who could actually have guts pull off this kind of stunt against us. There was only two that came into my mind 'Red moon and Dark Rose'. Only these packs could do something like this.
Suddenly my phone rang bringing me out of my thoughts.
"Hello." I said knowing who was calling me.
"Did you find something?" Jay said from the other side of the call.
"Not really. I just got to know about this forest behind our university which according to every student is dangerous. So I'm planning on going there myself to see if I can find something."
"Do you want me to come there and go with you?"
"No, it's ok. I'll be fine by myself. You look after the pack in my absence."
"Ok fine. Just tell me if you need anything."
"Okay." With that I hung up and went outside.
I was walking in the direction of the forest trying not get caught when I saw a hooded figure going there too. I tried to hide myself, quietly following the person. He looked young from his back. I followed him deeper into the forest and after sometimes I lost his sight. I heard a howl from a little distance.
'Its better to change into my wolf form.'
I closed my eyes as I felt myself changing into my wolf, Ethan (Ethan is the name of Heeseung's wolf which is black)
I ran into the direction of the of voice a saw a brown wolf. The wolf felt my presence and turned around becoming alert.
We both stared at each other for a few and the other wolf plunged towards me. I skillfully dodged his attack and jumped on him. Loud growls could be heard from us as we both fought. The other wolf tried to attack me which I again dodged, instead I clawed him on his shoulder. Other wolf got aware of the fact that I had an upper hand on him, so he retreated from me and ran away.
While breathing heavily, I looked around to find signs of other wolves.
When I didn't feel any presence, I changed into my human form. I was exhausted from fight and just wanted to go home.
I started walking as it was already dark. I tried to find way to get out when I heard whimpers of what seemed like a girl's voice.
First I thought about ignoring it since I was tired but then looking at the surrounding and recalling the rumours about the forest, I decided to just help the person.
I went in the direction of the voice a saw a girl curled up in a ball with her head down. I went close to her and tapped her shoulder. She looked up and....

"Y/N, what are you doing here???"

End of Chapter 3

Play with fire. Lee Heeseung✓Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz