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Ana's POV :

As we were coming back home from our date a loud bang was heard, the car swerved a bit and grey got a big gash on his forehead which was bleeding severely said "Annie keep your head down and cover your ears" I saw a bunch of cars following us and some of them were shooting at our car he said "Annie quickly call Dylan and tell him that it's code red" I did what he told me to and Dylan spoke "Yes boss?"

I said "Um this isn't your boss" he said "can you give the phone to him then" I did and grey told him that it was code red

I wanted to help so I picked up a huge rock stuck my torso out the window and threw it at a car grey said "princess how did you even-"
"Babi please keep driving I can't stay calm for too long" as Dylan was still on the call he said "damn lady boss is mad" and grey laughed..

We reached home only to be welcomed by noah grey's bestfriend he had a huge grin on his face which made him look like Cheshire the cat he said "Hii, I have been waiting for you guys for an hour and a half now" grey opened the door and said "Since you have been waiting to ruin my plans why don't you enter? I thought he had plans I didn't know that!? 

I secretly went up to noah and asked him "Grey had plans you knew of?" he whispered back to me "I do not think I am supposed to tell you this at all but you're too cute and innocent to not tell, and I am going offtrack again yeah so he wanted to you know what I don't think this is appropriate enough to tell you but all I can say is I became a cockblock for the very first time today" he wanted to say something else but grey cut him off by clearing his throat and saying "Anyways what is your intention to come here at 11?"  "I was supposed to have intentions to meet my best friend and his wife?" grey sighed and said "Noah I was so close to killing your dumbass" 

"You wouldn't dare to kill me- Oh wait I do have a reason to come here it's cause I am not single anymore" I got what he said and hugged him "I am soo happy for you today noah!! Aren't you too babi?" I looked at him. He looked confused and said "Um I am? I think'' 

Noah waved his finger around grey's face while doing tsk tsk tsk I giggled at his behavior my phone vibrated with a call so I excused myself from the room and picked the call up "Hii babe!!" I shook my head as lou's excited voice filled my ears "Heyy I missed you lou" she said "Uhun I know but guess what I am dating a writer" she sounded happy so I said "Aww that's great what's his name?" she said while still being giddy "Noah, Noah Stevens" I heard a vase breaking so I quickly said "That's great but now I have to go I think noah and grey fighting I'll call you back-" "Waiit did you just say noah? I am coming there right now" she abruptly ended the call I walked in to see noah sheepishly laughing as grey looked at him with a bored expression "Oh my god are you hurt noah?" I asked and he looked at noah and muttered "She's so sweet" grey replied in the same whispery voice "Yeah she is that's my girl but your dumbass broke her favorite vase" noah said a sorry to me and I really didn't care about the vase.

 I got up and grabbed a first aid kit and started to put antiseptic onto noah's hand while he almost cried but thankfully lou arrived and she said "Omg are you hurt noah?!!" he nodded so she quickly hugged him while saying "It won't hurt much after this shh" I smiled at them before putting a hello kitty bandage on his wound.. I almost forgot about grey's wound so I went up to him and said "Bend down I can't help you" he sat on the couch so I put some medicine on his gash and put some numbing cream on it and said "This might hurt a little bit babi" he nodded I was on my tippy toes even though he was sitting down so I almost fell but grey gripped my hips and sat me on his lap I blushed but stitched his wound up and patted his hand while saying "All done" he grinned at my behavior.. 

I started to get sleepy so I rested my head on his chest and started tracing his tattoos he said "Goodnight princess" and kissed my forehead before I fell asleep..

I started to get sleepy so I rested my head on his chest and started tracing his tattoos he said "Goodnight princess" and kissed my forehead before I fell asleep

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Heyy my pandas I hope you loved this loong chapter
Lots of love and starbursts
Sharon x

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