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Ana's POV :
(The next morning)
As I was sitting next to grey, we hear the doorbell ring and I rush to get it but all I see is a letter with my name on it, I hear grey say “Annie who is it?” I mutter “Unkown person” and then I just hand him the letter he seems mad at the letter so I plucked it out of his hands and start reading it..

“Dear Anastasia Knight
As you read this letter you might wonder who is it but you must never know. I know everything about you, every little thing but you don't need to worry I won't touch you right now
But you are worth much more for me and yes your husband should know who I am by now..” and then at the bottom I saw written in blood “I Am Watching You.”

Cliffhanger my pandas I hope you forgive me for this bad writing and the scaryness of it, I didn't mean to, okay maybe I did sorry not sorry I love you all so so much stay awesome, stay safeMuahh- Sharon ⭐

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Cliffhanger my pandas I hope you forgive me for this bad writing and the scaryness of it, I didn't mean to, okay maybe I did sorry not sorry
I love you all so so much stay awesome, stay safe
- Sharon ⭐

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