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Ana's POV :

We went to the sonography for knowing if the baby was alive but there was no hope left in me for the baby

Tears coated my eyes as I saw all of those happy couples who were going to be parents
Grey noticed my tears and whipered “It'll be okay princess just know that any of it wasn't your fault” I nod but it was a very small nod

“Mr and Mrs Knight, Dr Walker called you in” the nurse said

We sat there and I was too sad to even look the doctor in the eye so grey told the doctor everything that happened and the nurse gave me a sympathetic look

After the sonography the doctor said “I am very surprised to tell you this but the baby survived”

I looked at grey with tears glistening and his eyes coated with tears as well

The nurse smiled at the both of us “Would you too like to have an untrasound and see your baby?”

I nod excitedly, the doctor said “This cream will feel a little cold” he rubbed the gel onto my belly and I shudder cause of the cold then the doctor shows us our baby who was the size of a tiny bean.
The nurse asked us “Would you like a picture?” grey agrees with me and we took the first ever picture of our baby

As soon as we exited the hospital he picked me up and spun me around saying “I love you so much princess” I smile knowing that our baby has gotten another chance to live

This made me the happiest person and our baby had given me a newfound hope to live

This made me the happiest person and our baby had given me a newfound hope to live

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