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Ana's POV :

“Annie?” I hear grey lightly trying to wake me up so I get up and say “Do you need something babi?” he says “No princess but I'm gonna need you to pack your bags we'll be out for 2 weeks” I look at him confused “Why all of a sudden?” he shurgged “Well deserved break and plus there won't be anyone to disturb us” he says with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes, winks at me and walks out..

I wonder what is going to happen at the little holiday we're having.. Who's going to take care of Cecilia? I start packing my bags and grey sneaks up on me and hugs me from the back and says “Pack some winter clothes too” I smile and then say “Did you pack your bags?” he starts feathering my neck with kisses and hums in response.. I say “Now shoo I need to change I cannot go in pyjamas now can I?” he says “You can if you wanted to you'd still look beautiful” I say between my laughs “Go!” he walks out of the room so I decided to put on a winter outfit since it was snowing I wore leg warmers which matched my skin tone and then put on my fishnets so that I'll be able to wear skirts and not be cold

 I say “Now shoo I need to change I cannot go in pyjamas now can I?” he says “You can if you wanted to you'd still look beautiful” I say between my laughs “Go!” he walks out of the room so I decided to put on a winter outfit since it was snowing I...

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I go down with my suitcase and sat on the couch waiting for grey to come
About 15 minutes later grey comes down with his suitcase and I started to notice how he's been happier for a few days I wonder what goes on in his head since he's so happy

Timelapse to the holiday home

We reached out holiday home and it was breathtakingly beautiful I look back at grey and say “I love this place so much” he gives me the cutest grin and butterflies erupt in my stomach he says “I brought it for us two weeks ago” I hug him and he hugs me tighter I wondered “Who's taking care of Cecilia?” he states “Mom is at home she reached there while we were travelling”

We reached out holiday home and it was breathtakingly beautiful I look back at grey and say “I love this place so much” he gives me the cutest grin and butterflies erupt in my stomach he says “I brought it for us two weeks ago” I hug him and he hu...

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I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter
Lots of love and starbursts
Sharon x

Married At First Sight ✓ [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now