Chp.15 First date part 2

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Ana's POV:
"I- you what!?!" He said it again slowly as if he is explaining it to a child "I own the Italian mafia" I said "I know that my father owns the Russian mafia but you owning a Italian mafia is a bit too much but I am not saying that I hate it but I just want you to be safe cause I care for you" I rambled He chuckled and said "I am glad to hear you care for me and I assure you I will be safe"

We went out and then he said "Wanna go to the carnival which is here?" I said "Can we!?! Oh my gosh yess!!!" Soon enough we were at the carnival and he said "What do you wanna do first?" I said "Let's win some pluahies first" he said "I am so going to win all of the plushies for you" I laughed as we walked towards the game...

Timelapse after winning plushies

"I didn't think you were serious about winning me that big teddy bear how am I gonna carry it home?" I said while laughing the sun was going down and it had become different shades of pinks,purples,oranges and yellows "Should we go to the ferris wheel?" I nodded and we went on the ferris wheel grey said "After this I want to take you somewhere" I said "Where?" He just said "You'll get to know soon" after the ferris wheel ride it was night time and I mentioned "Can we have dinner first?" He chuckled "Yeah sure the later the better"

We went to a restaurant to eat and he ordered for the both of us again "Two plates of spaghetti and 2 champagnes"the waiter said "Your ID's please" I handed him mine and the waiter said "Your order will be here in a few minutes" "So... What now?" I said He said "Let's get to know each other better" I questioned "So 20 questions?" He said "I dont see why not"

After a short but complete game for 20 questions

"Heres your order enjoy your meals!" And the waiter left we finished our meals in silence and I checked the time it was 9:30pm after that we sat in the car where he said "It'll take an hour or more to reach there" I put the seatbelt on and we started the long journey after a little bit I was bored so I turned the radio on and just then my favourite song came up so I started singing it "To be young and in love I. New York city To not know who I am but still know that I'm good long as you're here with me
To be drunk and in love in New York City To not know who I am but still know that I'm good long as you're here with me
To be drunk and in love in New York City"
after I was done signing the whole song I looked at grey who had a shocked expression on his face and he said "Annie you didn't tell me you could sing" I said "I thought you knew" he said "If I did would I be this shocked?" I shook my head

After the car ride

"We're here" he finally said and I removed my seatbelt but I was confused where are we? I asked "Where are we?" He said "Princeton Valley" (A/N : I think that is a mde up place)

"Why though?" He just pointed up and I looked up to see the clear view of the stars and they looked beautiful "They look pretty" I whispered he said "This is what I wanted to show you" I checked the time and it was 12:25pm and I said "Isn't it a bit late?" He said "It is but its only for a day we can go home later" so we sat there for an hour and then decided to head back home when we reached home it was 1:47 after that I fell asleep

"Why though?" He just pointed up and I looked up to see the clear view of the stars and they looked beautiful "They look pretty" I whispered he said "This is what I wanted to show you" I checked the time and it was 12:25pm and I said "Isn't it a b...

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