1: Oh Snap

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(A/N) For those of you who haven't read my books before this is just a WARNING that sexual content and triggering situations will occur in this book. I will try to give everyone a heads up at the beginning of these chapters but I just wanted to let you know beforehand. For returning and new readers I'd like to thank you so much for all of your support and I really hope you enjoy this book! ❤️

‼️ P.S. If you're looking for another sapphic read then check out my book What's a Heart to a Soul that is available for free exclusively on Wattpad! ‼️



I scribbled down the notes from the board as my Microeconomics teacher droned on and on about the elasticity of supply and demand. I glanced up at the clock and sighed realizing there was still thirty minutes left in class. I looked over to the seat to my right, which had been empty everyday, except today, due to this blonde girl. She usually sits in the back row but had seemingly decided to actually pay attention today. I say it like that because her and the alpha male football guy currently behind us usually talk through the entire lesson. Now while that has always annoyed me, I was far more annoyed now that she has forced me to have to tuck my elbow ever so slightly in order to write without touching her.

I turned to peek back at the guy in the back row and noticed he had already found new company in the form of a different, yet freakishly similar, blonde.


My head moved on a swivel as I turned to see the girl had broken the lead of her #2 pencil leaving a dark graphite mark on the page.

I looked up, meeting her dull baby blue eyes as she asked "Is there any chance I could borrow a pencil girlie?"


"Sure." I muttered out reaching into the smallest pocket of my bag and pulling out a blue and green mechanical pencil

I held it out to her and she mumbled a quick "thank you" before returning her focus to the lesson. When the bell rang I quickly packed up my stuff and then slung my bag over my shoulder ready to head straight for the door.

"Don't forget your pencil!" The girl exclaimed holding it out to me

I dismissed her with a wave, trying my best to fake a smile in her direction "Don't worry about it."

I saw the girl give me a confused look before I was able to turn and walk out into the hall. I followed the crowd down the hall, to the right, and then out the main entrance where I was greeted by a wave of cool air.

It was only September 13th and it was already getting chilly outside. Classes had now been in session for almost a full month and I was already drowning in assignments. The only thing keeping me alive at this point is the fact that I'll be graduating next semester and hopefully making bank at my dream job.

The dream job you aren't even close to getting you mean?

"Harper wait up!" A familiar voice calls from behind me

I turned and spotted my friend Aurora running towards me. She was a stunning girl in an understated way. She had long curly dark hair, olive skin, and midnight eyes.

I couldn't help but laugh as she reached me "Damn, chasing me are you?"

She rolled her eyes and pushed my shoulder slightly "Get over yourself."

"I think you need to get over me." I smirked at her

She pretended to faint with her head thrown back and her hand resting on her forehead "Oh you're right, how will I ever get over you Harper Bardot!"

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