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(Han Jung-won wanted his sister to meet his girlfriend, who unintentionally got tangled in the case

PS : I haven't watched episode 3 yet, this is based on what I saw in the beginning scenes of Episode 1 and 2)

You smoothed your dress and checked one last time to make sure you looked presentable. Jung-won, your boyfriend who had recently returned to Seoul walked in with a surprise.

"I have something for you", he set the velvet box down and opened it, revealing a beautiful necklace.

"Jagi, you shouldn't", you smiled.

Jung-won helped to put it on. It was a simply and slim rose gold chain with a pink cherry blossom pendant. He fastened it and readjusted your hair.

"Perfect", he smiled, looking in the mirror.

"You think your sister will like me?", you asked, anxiously.

"Don't worry, she will", he kissed the crown of your head.

You were at awed at the housing are where his sister, Han Sun-joo lived with her husband and two children. You saw all the socialites in their fancy dresses and cars and felt insignificant.

"Yah, what's wrong?", he asked as he parked the car.

"I felt like I don't belong here. People like them might laugh at me", you said.

"Yah, tell me if they do. I'll teach them a lesson", he smirked.

You smacked his arm and he laughed. "Whatever happens, you're with me. I love you and I know, noona will love you too", he smiled.

He escorted you inside. You looked at the beautiful internal deco; it was as if you were transported into a different world.

Jung-won brought you to his sister. "Noona, this is [Y/N], my girlfriend".

"Ah, so this is the mysterious [Y/N]. She looks prettier in person", said Sun-joo.

"Please to meet you, Mr and Mrs Shin", you bowed.

"Aigo, don't be so formal. You can call me Unnie", Sun-joo smiled.

"Ah, almost forgot. Where are the children?", asked Jung-won.

"Wah, even since you have a girlfriend, you completely forgotten us?", Sun-joo's children, Tae-hee and Tae-yong arrived.

"You have beautiful children, Mrs Shin", you complimented.

"Unnie, [Y/N]", Sun-joo giggled.

"Yae, unnie", you said.

Everything after that went by so fast. Next thing you know, before the cake cutting, you heard the scream. You wanted to follow, but Jung-won told you to stay with the children.

Police came and interviewed everyone. The chief, Kang Dae-wook, approached you, but Jung-won quickly went to your side.

"[Y/N], what happened?", asked Chief Kang.

"I don't know, chief".

"Wait, you're a police officer?", Tae-yong asked.

"I'm a detective. This is Chief Kang, my boss", you said.

"We'll talk more more on Monday, ok? Get some rest", said Chief Kang before walking away.

"Samchon, will everything be ok?", asked Tae-hee.

Jung-won could only nod. He turned to you and asked if it's ok for the kids to stay with you and him tonight.

"Sure, it's better for them to stay away from this for a while", you said.

On Monday, you and your team sit down to discuss what had transpired over the vow renewal. You looked at the evidences and the more you dig, the more you wish you didn't.

You looked at your phone - a picture of you and Jung-won. You wondered..., if he should know about all of this.

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