Taecyeon x Reader

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(When Taec has to go to military services)

You took in his words. He really wanted to do this and you understood why. You smiled and grasped his hands.

"I'll wait for you, ok?", you said.

You and him talk whenever he has the time. You would visit him and sometimes, you would see Minjun too.

Every time you saw him, he had bulked up a bit. "There's so much to eat over here and here you are, bringing me more food", he happily munched on the dish while trying to sneak a kimbap away from Minjun.

You watched the demo and felt sorry that he had to shout because they forgot to hook a mic to him. At the same time, you felt so proud of his achievement in his military and you will never stop calling him Captain Korea.

"At this point, I might stop stanning Chris Evans", you giggled.

You often told him of your coworkers trying to seduce you since he joined his military service. "I turned them all down", you said.

"Why? They can spend time with you", he poked you.

"Pfft, they're not you. Besides, they're not as crazy as my Captain Korea", you grinned.

Whenever he felt tired or stressed, he'd just look at your pictures that were in his locker, next to his bed and in his pocket. You would bring your polaroid and take pictures for the two of you to keep.

For all that you know, his service was coming to an end. You arrived and welcomed him with open arms, with the Hottests right behind you, cheering as he walked out. You let him spent time with his fans before heading back home.

In the car, Eddie surprised him with lots of kisses. He wiped it off before you properly gave him a kiss yourself.

"Welcome home, Captain Korea", you smiled.

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