Broken Heart

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(The Good Manager AU - Seo Yul's wife, the outcast daughter of the chairman, had married Seo Yul in secret and caused her to be cut off from the family. Things changed after a while and he was no longer the Seo Yul that [Y/N] knew the more he climbed up the ladder. Would this put a riff between the two?)

You gasped at the sight of him when you opened the door to the small office that was the Accounting Department. You frowned as to why your husband, Seo Yul was there.

"Ah, Ms Jang, meet the new Director of Finance, Seo Yul", said Mr Choo.

"I see, hello sir", you said and bowed.

Seo Yul awkwardly bowed and walked out. You sit back at your desk and resumed your work. As lunch hour approached, you received a text from your husband.

SY : what are you doing there?

You : working.

SY : you didn't tell me you got back to your old man's good graces.

You : I didn't.

Seo Yul frowned as he read the text. He sighed in frustration, wondering what was his wife up to, working in that department, closely to THAT guy.

SY : quit your job.

You : no.

SY : Yah, just do as I ask. I don't want you working at TQ or even with Manager Kim.

You : you told me to work. What am I supposed to do at home? Be the boring and stupid housewife? 

Seo Yul nearly threw his phone in anger. God this woman..., what was she thinking? 

SY : how did you get the job?

You : I went to the interview and got it. I guess mother told him and Chairman Park called me and told me to meet him. We agreed to not know each other at work and go on our own path.

SY : Yeobo, please..., don't work there, ok?

You : you're barely home. I'm always alone. At least here, I have a sense of purpose. No one knows I'm your wife or I'm the chairman's daughter, so rest assured, Director Seo.

You found Sung-ryeong an odd man. For a moment, you didn't trust him, but he proved to be a good man and earned the entire Accounting Department's trust.

You never blamed him when the revival plan failed at first. You and Sung-ryong were the only ones left at the Accounting department.

You went to get lunch and returned to find Sung-ryong punching the wall until his fist bled out. You quickly pulled him away, worried he might hurt himself even further.

"I'm sorry, Miss Jang. All of this was my fault".

"It's ok, sir. We may lost this battle, but we can still win this war", you smiled.

You left again for a moment to get the first aid and returned to find him gone. Only one place he would go to - Seo Yul's office.

You ran, but stopped when you heard his reasons. You pushed the door opened, tears brimming. You wanted to punch him so bad and turning to Sung-ryeong, you quickly helped him up.

"Sir, come. Don't waste your time on selfish people like him", you helped Sung-ryeong back to the deserted Accounting Department.

(PS : generally this is the idea. I think of making a separate book for this little AU)

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