Wooyoung x Reader

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(Rekindled Romance)

You and him decided to end the relationship last year was for the best, but boy, how wrong you were at that time. You cried and cried, missing everything about him. 

For Wooyoung, he busied himself with his schedule. He missed her all the time, but he would keep himself occupied with work and the upcoming comeback since Junho will be discharged soon.

While planning to prank Junho, Nichkhun and Minjun planned on getting the two of you to sit down and talk. Nichkhun whispered the plan to Taecyeon and Chansung and the four of them planned to get Wooyoung to meet with [Y/N] after Junho's homecoming.

The homecoming was a success. Minjun and Nichkhun brought the boys to eat at a nearby restaurant.


You got a text from Chansung, asking if you're free. "Minjun hyung wanted to buy us all drinks. We miss you. Junho was discharged, come on over", he texted and left you the address.

You sat down for a moment, wondering if Wooyoung would be there. Of course he'd be there, they're his friends.

You wore something simple and cute. You took the bus to get there and peeked to see if Wooyoung was there.

He's there and he saw you. You pulled back and hid behind a nearby alleyway. Your heart raced; you haven't seen him in a year.

You waited for a while, just to be sure. You looked left and right and decided to get out of there when the coast was clear, but Wooyoung caught you and pulled you in his arms. 

He's wearing the same cologne you had gifted him on his birthday last year, before the breakup. He was wearing denim jacket and his hair was longer. You could feel the heat rising to your cheeks, being this close to him.

"What are you doing here?", he asked, smiling.

"Channie texted me, asking me to come because Minjun oppa invited me".

Wooyoung scoffed. Was his suffering from the breakup that obvious? But, they cared for him and knew how much [Y/N] meant to him.

"I miss you", he smiled.

"You do?".

"You don't?".

"I do! I wanted to call and see you, but I was scared you won't see me", you looked down, trying to avoid his eye contact.

Wooyoung hooked one finger under your chin, bringing your face back up so you two could meet eye to eye. His smile was infectious and you can never say no to him, especially him being all cute on you.

"Let's not breakup again, ok?", he said.

You smiled and was about to kiss him when Junho threw Piyoung at the two of you. "Yah, if you two are done, come on! The food is getting cold", he huffed before going back.

Wooyoung picked up his mascot. "Eomma, would you come home with appa?", he made a cute voice at you.

You grabbed Piyoung and hooked your arm around his before walking back to the restaurant.

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