Chansung x Reader

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(Chansung sneaks into your kitchen)

You haven't seen Chansung, face to face, in months due to the tour. Aside from face time and text messages, you really miss hugging the giant baby that is your boyfriend.

You promised him that you'd cook him a buffet when he comes back. He had texted you that he'd be home in a few days and you've already bought the groceries to cook his favourite dish as a welcoming home gift.

You were cosy in bed, wearing Chansung's sweater that made you looked as if the sweater had swallowed you as you were busy watching [title of your choice of drama] when you heard a pot in the kitchen fell off. At first you thought it was your [cat/dog] when you realised [he/she] was sleeping peacefully next to you.

You should've called your boyfriend or the police. Instead, you grabbed a bat and crept towards the kitchen. Was it a thief or maybe Chansung had arrived early? If the latter, how the hell you can't hear a six feet giant entering the house and Chansung would always call you before arriving.

The kitchen was dark to begin with, minus the fridge light because the doors were opened and there was a man rummaging through it. You switched on the light and you were thankful that you didn't call the police first.

"Hwang Chansung!", Chansung nearly hit his head on the top door, startled by your voice.

"Hey jagi", he smiled awkwardly.

"I nearly called the police on you! What are you doing?!", then you noticed in his hands were a knife and a slice of cake.

"It's late and I thought you were asleep. I didn't want to trouble you", he mumbled apologetically.

You sighed and set the bat down. You went to him and pinched his cheeks lovingly, making him blushed and giggly.

"You're thankful you're cute or I'd bite you", you giggled.

"Is that an offer, jagi?", his eyes darken as those pair eyed you up and down.

He place the slice of cake and knife back into the fridge and carried you back to the bedroom. He gently put your [cat/dog] on [his/her] bed nearby the bed before getting down to business.

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