Jun. K x Reader

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(Reader meets up with Jun. K post comeback concert)

You looked around, happy to see the place cleaned up. You turned to the dogs - Noopy, Denver and Audrey, who were sleeping at their playpen.

Food were ready on the table and you went up to get ready to welcome him home. You showered and put on his favourite dress of yours and ran back down, seeing that he would be home any minute.

You'd know he's close when the dogs were already barking at the door. You opened the door and the dogs lunged at him, happy to see him home.

"Ok, ok, ok! Stop!", Min-jun laughed as he was showered with their kisses.

You helped him up and got the dogs inside. You gave him a simple peck before sending him off to shower.

You smiled, seeing Min-jun helping himself to the food you made. The dogs were by your side and you set some food in their food bowl.

After dinner, the two of you and the dogs just chill on the couch. You popped open a bottle of his favourite wine and Min-jun rest his head on your lap.

"I'm just happy to be home. I miss you and my babies", he smiled, as he ruffled the dogs.

"I miss you too. You work so hard, jagi", you kissed him. 

"I have like two days off only then I have to be back on the studio", he sighed as he sat back up to place his glass on the coffee table.

You started to massage his shoulders, trying to relieve the stress. "It's ok. You just rest for the next two days, ok? I'll take care of things around the house".

He turned to you, pouting slightly. "I'm sorry. I should help more. I should come home more", he said, apologetically.

"It's ok. I know what I signed up for. It's enough for me that you sent texts telling me you're doing ok, that you call me because you missed my voice and that we would face time if you missed me and our babies", you smiled.

Min-jun leaned closer to kiss you. "I love you, jagiya. I'm so lucky to have you", he smiled.

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