15. I never thought I'll ever see one...

Start from the beginning

I'm a pure blood so things like this doesn't scare me but with Hunter and this two with me, it causing me to feel anxiety which doesn't really play good to me. Their are other being which is stronger than my kind but that doesn't really make me stop messing with them, yeah, I have a death wish but too bad for them I ain't going down just like that.

As the horse made a couple stride I saw a rustle in our left side in the bushes, we stop again but immediately made the horse run when we saw a glint of deep yellow eyes in the gape of the leaves. It's following us, I can hear it.

'Shit.' Hunter cursed

Threetail was in front of us in his dog like form, he can still keep up even in that form, I look at my back and saw what it was.

'Is that a Basilisk?!' I heard Hunter loudly. Basilisk, they are serpent and one of the beings that rarely shift to human form since some of them, no, almost all of them can't shift to human. They prefer their snake form than being in the human skin, there size are not big like wolves but rather a little small-maybe half of it but they are lethal and venomous.

This guys are primitive, they tend to hunt alone, ones they set who their prey is they won't stop until they have it, seeing its form, its a regular basilisk but if it is a pure one...... They said they have the power to cause death with a single glance, the pure-basilisk are mostly capable in shifting to human form unlike the regular basilisk-they're like wild untamed animals.

'Yup!' I answered

'If what I remember is right, if they set their eyes to their prey then...' he said 'Lets leave the horse as a bait.' he added and I reluctantly agreed with him, we mounted the horse and hop out. Hunter took Raven from me to carry him and Threetail already shifted to his original form. We took off fast without looking back, I heard the horses whimpered so I took a glance at it and saw the basilisk attacking the horse.

'Let's go Summer!' Hunter said and I nodded at him, we run out of the forest, I tried to keep my running pace with Hunter and Threetail, I can go faster than this but I can't just go first by myself.

We stop from running in the middle of the rough road. 'I never thought I'll ever see one...' Hunter mumbled ' They're not that big but the moment I saw it, it give me the creeps.' he added, I know what he means.

'Wait... Did we just run away?' I suddenly ask. 'Fuck!' I curse

'I told you no cursing in front of the kid.' he scolded.

Ahh... I sneered at him in joking way, last night he talk to me about not cursing in front of Raven since his a kid,'Fuck.' I mouthed and he just shook his head at me.

I grin at his reaction, their something that I discovered about myself-I like teasing or pissing Hunter off, I love seeing his reaction. 'Did we really just run away when we saw that snake?!' I ask not really believing what I just did, that was so uncool.

'Yeah we just did which is just right, we don't know what might happen.' he said.

Vamps and Wolves II (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now