Chapter Thirty Seven

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Venus’s P.O.V
It was the next day and it was also getting colder out and Bella had told me about what she had found out and that it had involved the both of us meeting with someone before she had walked up to Renesmee, “hey, do you want to go and see Grandpa?” Bella asked her and she nodded with a smile on her face, “can Ophelia come with us to?” she asked and Bella looked at me, “as long as Charlie is ok with it then it’s fine with me” I said to her before she looked back at Renesmee, “alright then. Let’s get going” she said and we all got ready before I told my mom  and Jasper that I’m going to be out for a bit and that’ll be back soon and Ophelia held my hand as we walked out to the car with Seth as well, as we had gotten into a separate car since there wouldn’t be enough room in the other, “so how are things going. I heard that you’ve been trying to improve your abilities with Bella” Seth said as I followed Bella, “yeah I have and it’s going pretty well actually. How’s Leah, is she doing well?” I said to him and he nodded, “yeah, she’s doing alright.” he said before looking back to see how Ophelia was doing, “hey kiddo. How are you doing back there? You’re awfully quiet?” he asked her, “I was just looking out the window” she said and I smiled a little bit until we had finally pulled into Charlie’s driveway and soon got out and closed the door that Ophelia had left opened when ran up to Charlie with Renesmee as Charlie had complimented on their height, “wow, look at you two. Grown half a foot. Seriously, like Six inches' Charlie said before Sue spoke up, “come on inside, lunch is on the table” she said to us, “we got a tree to decorate” Charlie mentioned, “we’ve actually got a few errands to run guys. We’ll be back soon ok” Bella told them and I got in the car with her and left the car I drove in at Charlie’sand soon drove away. 

Not long after we left Charlie’s place, the car ride started out quiet until I wondered what we were doing, “so where are you going. I don’t think you’ve told me yet?” I asked Bella, “I wanted to wait until after we dropped them off and we’re going to meet with someone named Mr. Jay Janks” she told me as we soon drove into Seattle until we finally stopped and pulled into a parking spot on the side of the road and found our way inside and walked down a long and wide hallway until we were able to find the meeting spot, “we’re here to meet Mr. Janks” Bella told the receptionist and led up to a more private area to see a man sitting there until he stood up from his seat, “Mrs. Cullen, Mrs. Hale. I’m so happy you called” he said as he shook both of our hands and pulled out both of our chairs before we sat down and he soon did the same, “I always meet my private clients here it’s more, comfortable than the office” he told us, “and it’s more public” Bella mentioned and he chuckled a little, “so what type of work do you do Jay?” Bella asked him, “oh you know, this and that. It’s always different, which keeps it interesting” he answered and I smiled a little, “have you known Alice and Marcus?” Bella asked him, “I’ve been working with them for more than 20 Years and my late partner knew Marcus 15 years before that. He is, unusually well preserved” Jay told us, “yes he is” Bella said, “if you put it that way” I said, “I trust that Mr. Marcus is enjoying his Vacation?” he asked and both Bella and I wondered if Marcus might have told him where he might have gone, “he didn’t tell you where he was going did he?” Bella asked him, “no, no, no. he uh, just mentioned that he was leaving when he came by to place his order” he told us, “we assume that his order is ready?” Bella asked him, “of course. I’m never late with a delivery” he said as he pulled out Two orange envelopes from underneath the napkin the utensils were on and gave them to the both of us and both Bella and I checked to see what was inside and saw Two Passports along with a few other things as I opened the Passports to see both Ophelia’s face and Seth’s face and notice that the Passports Bella had were pretty much the same with Renesmee and Jacob’s face’s on them and I quickly put them back into the Envelope as I’m sure that I wasn’t the only one who thought that myself and Jasper would be going with our child, “is there a problem?” Jay asked us, “no” we both said, “both of our husbands and us thought we’d all be traveling together” Bella said as I wasn’t exactly sure about what to say about it, “Marcus said only Four were traveling. His instructions were very clear” Jay told us, “that’s our mistake” I said to him, “apparently that’s not going to happen” Bella said as she put her Two Passports back.

After time had gone by, the entire car ride back to Charlie’s was quiet until we got there and we both forced a smile on our faces when Bella and I saw our daughters run out the door and jump in our arms that turned into hugs before noticing Jacob and Seth coming out not long after and not long after saying goodbye to Charlie and Sue, we all had gotten in the cars before driving back to the house, “so, how was it?” Seth asked me, “not what neither of us expected to be honest. I’ll tell you more about it later alright” I told Seth before checking on Ophelia through the rearview mirror and smiled a little when I saw that she had fallen asleep and focused back on the road as I continued to drive. By the time we had made it home for the night and had gotten Ophelia out of the Car, I had carried her inside until she wanted to be set down as she soon rushed over to Jasper and jumped into his arms as he lifted her arm as Renesmee had done the same as she also ran up to Edward and both Bella and I just looked at each other before the both of us left the room, “what are we going to to?” I asked her as we walked into another room, “sticking to Alice’s Vision.” she said and I nodded, “alright, I just never thought we’d never be in it to be honest” I mentioned, “neither did I but at this point, I don’t even know if we have any other choice” Bella said, “didn’t think we did'' I said as she packed a bag, “I guess I’ll go and do the same'' I said and left the room and walked into mine and Jasper’s and packed everything that both Ophelia and Seth would need if they did have to leave and decided to write a note to her about how much she meant to me and that Seth would protect her and tell her about the legends he knew before I was interrupted by my mom as she stood in the doorway, “you and Bella looked like you guys had a lot on your mind. Is everything alright?” she asked and I sighed, “I don’t know besides finding out that I’m possibly not involved in my daughters future” I said to her as I sat down on the bed, “oh sweetie, it will be alright, if that does happen, which I doubt will ever happen, we both know that Seth will do everything in his power to protect her” she said as she hugged me, “I know it’s just a lot to take in” I said to her, “just take a breather alright” she said and I tried to calm myself down until I felt a wave of calmness wash over me and I knew that Jasper felt what I was feeling in the other room and I eventually finished packing the backpack before setting it aside and walking into the living room and spent some time with Ophelia and fed her some dinner.

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