Chapter Twenty Eight

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Venus’s P.O.V
By the time we had gotten back to the Cullens place, Carlisle had grabbed everything he needed before he left to head over to Jacobs place to help him from what had happened before and as I was talking with my mom, the girl that I hadn’t met yet had walked up to me and hugged me, “thank you” she said and I looked at my mom before hugging her back, “for what?” I asked her, “for saving me. For not letting them kill me or her'' she said and I smiled, “no problem. I’m Venus by the way” I said to her and she smiled, “I’m Bree. your mom told me about you before all of this had happened” she told me and I looked at my mom, “she seemed like a really sweet girl and she kinda reminded me of you a little bit” she said and the three of us talked for a little while, “have been back at the house at all?” my mom asked me and I nodded, “before I saw what had happened inside, I had Jacob take me home that night since you hadn’t picked up your phone and when I got there, the house was a mess and Jacob had looked around to see that you weren’t there. I was scared at first, for a while actually, but I eventually had gotten a few things that I needed from my room and I had been staying here ever since. When I went there a second time to get some more clothes, the police were there, one of them being Charlie. I didn’t know why they were there since I hadn’t called them, so I pretended as If I didn’t know what was going on and Jasper was there with me as well and since then, I haven’t gotten anything from him about it so right now I think it’s best that you stay here since you’re still new to this'' I told her and she nodded, “alright then, how long have you known about all of this?” she asked me and I sighed, “for more than a year. I couldn’t tell you even if I wanted to because if I did, those people we saw today, the people that almost tried to kill you. Would have done so if you knew when you were still human” I said to her and she nodded, “I understand. No more secrets” she said and I nodded, “no more secrets” I said and we hugged.

Later that night, Carlisle had gotten back and he was talking with my mother and Bree about what they feed on and what not and I was with Jasper as we did our own thing as the both of us talked for a bit, “Marry me?” he asked and I was shocked, “what?” I asked him, “Marry me?” he asked again and from the corner of my eye I noticed everyone staring at us and I smiled, “yes” I blurted out and kissed him and heard everyone clapping, “yay, we’re gonna have two weddings” we heard Alice say as most of us chuckled at how excited she was and we all knew that she was going to start planning at some point soon and I smiled at Jasper before he slipped  ring on my finger and I looked at it with a smile on my face as Imagined what the wedding was going to be like as I hoped that it would be bright and opened, maybe even out back but also small like for family to be invited since I was really to keen on ever having a big wedding to begin with, “I’m proud of you sweety, Carlisle and Esme had shown me pictures of the graduation that I was unfortunate to miss” she said as she held my face in her hands, “it’s alright mom, although I did wish that you were there” I said to her before she looked at Jasper, “thank you for taking care of her considering what Victoria had put her through” she said to him and hugged him, “the pleasure is mine Ma’am” he said and she chuckled, “please call me Julia for crying out loud” she said to him and he chuckled, “alright, Julia” he said and she smiled, “better” she said and had went n with our night.

Later that night, Carlisle had gotten back and he was talking with my mother and Bree about what they feed on and what not and I was with Jasper as we did our own thing as the both of us talked for a bit, “Marry me?” he asked and I was shocked, “w...

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For the next week or so, myself, Rose, Esme, my mom and Bree were helping Alice with everything to do with the wedding, but the one thing that I was excited about was the dress shopping as we had all gone to Port Angeles to see what they had and as we had walked into a dress shop, we were greeted by one of the workers and my one concern was my mother and Bree as I hoped that nothing would happened and that they had done what Carlisle and the others had mentioned to them and sar far, everything was going alright for them, “good afternoon ladies, what can I do for you today” the lady said with a smile on her face, “hi, a friend of mine is getting married soon and she is here to try on a few dresses'' Alice said pointing to me, “ahh lovely, if you would follow me please” the lady said and we did so until we had stopped and offered us to sit down, “now is there anything in particular that you are looking for'' she asked me and I thought about it, “maybe something to do with lace but nothing too big or too small” I said to the lady and she grabbed my arm and led me to a changing room, “no if you don’t mind waiting here, I will go and get you a few options to try on alright” she said and I nodded and waited for her to come back. By the time she had gotten back to the changing room, she had a few dresses in her hands as she hung them up, “alrighty, here we are and if you need any help, I’ll be right out here ok” she said and I nodded, “alright, thank you” I said before she walked out to give me some privacy to get undressed and try on the first dress. After the lady helped me zip up the back, I had followed her back out to where the others were sitting as the all faced me and gasped as the saw the dress, “you look so pretty” Bree said to me, “you look amazing” Rose said after her and they were all giving me compliments as I looked at the dress in the mirror and thought about it for a few seconds before wanting to try on the others.

By the time we were done, I had picked out my dress for the wedding before we had all headed back to the house with excitement. Not long after we had gotten back, Alice had put the Dress away and the both of us had spent most of the day and by the time we decided to take a break for the day, we were more than halfway done with the planning and as I looked through it all, I couldn’t help but smile at the thought of Marrying Jasper and I was soon brought out of those thoughts when I felt someone rest their hand on my shoulder and I looked to see that it was Jasper and I smiled at him before looking at the wedding planning, “you know, I’d always thought about getting married one day and now I am” I mentioned to him as he held my hand, “to be honest, I never thought I would be a married man until I met you” he said and I smiled before looking back up at him, “I love you” he said, “and I love you” I said before I pecked his lips before heading over to Bree and talking with her as I wanted to get to know her better.

Jasper’s P.O.V
After she had walked away and made her way over to Bree, I noticed Julia walk up next to me, “her happiness is what makes me happy and I can see that when she’s with you and I can see the love she has for you as well” she told me as I watched both Bree and Venus talk with one another, “she means everything to me. And I’m sorry that all of this had happened, especially to you since we couldn’t tell you about myself and my family until you were abducted” I said as I faced her, “it’s alright dear, I understand the risk of it now.” she said and I smiled a bit as I looked back to Venus and Bree to see them laughing, “that girl is just a kid, I feel bad that she had to go through all of that. She had also told me, before the fight began, that it was her birthday when she was taken” Julia mentioned and I felt bad for the girl as I had noticed before that it looked like she wasn’t much younger than Venus and I didn’t know what to say about it except sigh, “well I think Carlisle will allow the both of you to join our coven so that neither of you are alone” I told her, “thank you for that and to be honest, I’m glad because I don’t think neither one of us would know what to do out there on our own” she said and the both of us continued to talk for a while longer until it was getting late and I followed Venus up to my room to see her changinging, “how are you doing?” I asked her and she turned to face me after putting on a shirt, “better now that I have my mother back and that I get to spend the rest of my life with you” she said with a smile as ran her hands through my hair, “I love you, more than anything” I said to her as I rested my forehead against hers, “I love you to cowboy” she said and giggled, “really, what’s with the nickname?” I asked chuckling, “I thought it would be cute. I think it goes wit your accent” she said as she continued to giggle and I soon had her on the bed as I was positions on top of her, “kiss me” she said and I happily did so as I kissed her passionately until I had laid down next to her on the bed as we talked about everything until she had fallen asleep not long after.

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