Chapter Thirty: Breaking Dawn

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Venus’s P.O.V
It has been more than half a month or so since I found out that I was Pregnant and I look like I’m about to pop at any given moment, Edward and Bella’s wedding was coming up soon as well as they everyone was preparing for it as well and I had decided to sit outside while Bella had been breaking her knew shoes in, “um, you just have to break them in” Alice said to her, “she has been” I said to her, “for three days. Can I just go barefoot” Bella continued, “no, absolutely not.” Alice said and I chuckled a little, “I’m just thinking it’s a little much, you know? The dress and the shoes and all of this” Bella mentioned, “believe me, she was the same way with me so you’re gonna have to get used to it” I said to her as I rested my hand over my stomach, “no, it’s exactly enough. Tomorrow will be perfect and besides, Venus is right, I was.” she said to Bella, “where do you want them boss” we heard Emmett ask Alice, “on either side of the Aisle'' Alice answered, “what Aisle?” Rose spoke up as she walked by carrying a giant log, “does no on have vision” Alice said and I chuckled a bit and I looked at Bella, “everything is going to be just fine, I just hope that I’ll still be around to be there” I said looking at my stomach, “I know, how are you feeling by the way” she asked me, “could be worse I suppose, Carlisle is still trying to figure it out, but I’m thinking it’s gonna be like a hybrid kind of thing you know. But that’s just a guess” I said to her before she helped me up and brought me inside, “thanks' ' I said as I laid down on the couch, “no problem” she said before heading back outside.

Later that day, Jasper wouldn’t leave my side and neither would my mother considering how weak and skinny I’ve become, “we heard your conversation with Bella earlier when she helped you inside and we thought about a theory that might help” Carlisle said and I looked at Jasper and than back at Carlisle, “ok, what is it?” I asked him, we were thinking of giving you some blood to see if that helps'' he said and I nodded, “ok, I’ll drink it” I said not even thinking about it and Carlisle walked into the kitchen, “are you going to be alright being in here?” I asked my mom and Jasper, “I’ll be fine sweetie” my mom said before I looked at Jasper, “don’t worry about me alright” he said and I nodded before Carlisle came back into the room and gave me the blood to drink and I soon took a few sips of it while Carlisle checked my pulse, “it’s working” he said and I smiled a little as I continued to drink it as it made me feel a little better as both my mother and Jasper had kept me company for the rest of the night before Marcus and Emmett had walked up to Jasper, “hey Jasper, you coming with us or not?” Jasper asked him and he sighed, “I kinda want to stay here with Venus. Make sure she’s alright” he said to Emmett and they both nodded before they both had left with Edward, “you didn’t have to stay you know” I said and he smiled, “I know but I just want to make sure that you’re alright” he said and I smiled a bit before falling asleep that night.

Jasper’s P.O.V
It has been a while since Venus had fallen asleep until we all began to hear her groan in pain and I rushed to her side to make sure that she’s doing alright, “Venus, what is it?” I asked her and she took a few heavy breaths before speaking, “the baby, I think it’s coming” she said to me and I looked at her mother, “get Carlisle” I asked her and she did so and Bree helped me with Venus as I set her down on the table in Carlisle’s office, “what’s happening?” I heard Carlisle ask as he walked beside me, “she said the baby is coming” I told him as I began to panic, “she’s right, it is. She’s going to have to start pushing” he said as both Bree and I held both of her hands, “you’re going to have to start pushing any minute alright” I told her and she just nodded not being able to speak at the moment and she soon began to push until the baby had finally arrived, “it’s a girl” Carlisle said as he held the baby to let Venus see her, “can I hold her?” she asked and he handed her our daughter, “Ophelia” she spoke up before she had started to lose consciousness and I quickly grabbed the Baby and handed it over to Bree, “do you mind getting her cleaned up?” I asked her and she nodded as she took the baby and walked away with her, “Carlisle, what’s happening?” I asked him, “she’s dying, either we change her now or we let death take over. Choose now Jasper, you don’t have much time” he told me and I looked at Venus and made the choice to change her as I bit into her neck and let the Venom do what it’s supposed to.

Later on, I went to see where Venus’s mother was to tell her what had happened and found her in her room reading a book, “hey Julia, there’s something I have to tell you” I said to her as she looked up from her book, “what is it, is everything alright, is Venus alright?” she asked as she got up from the bed and set down the book, “she um, she had the baby but she was also dying in the process so I had to change her in order to save her life” I told her and I can feel that she was upset, “alright and I don’t blame you for this and I never will” she said as she looked at me before she walked up to me and hugged me and I returned the hug, “I’m sorry” I said to her feeling guilty, “no, don’t be. None of this is your fault alright and she won’t blame you for this either when she wakes up alright. She will still love you like she has been since the day you met.” she told me and I just nodded, “do you want to meet your granddaughter?” I asked her and she nodded and I showed her where she was as Bree held her while she sat down on one of the chairs in the living room before she turned with a smile on her face, “she got the chance to name her before she died” I told Julia as Bree handed her the baby, “what’s her name?” she asked, “Ophelia” Bree answered her, “she’s beautiful. She looks like you Jasper” she said and I smiled a bit as she couldn’t stop smiling at her, “have you gotten a chance to hold her yet Jasper?” Julia asked looking at me, “only briefly before passing her over to Bree to get her cleaned up” I said to her before she walked over to me and set her in my arms and in that moment, I knew that I was carrying the entire world in my arms as I looked at my daughter and as she opened her eyes and looked at me, she smiled and I can feel her happiness radiating off of her, “she’s happy, really happy” I mentioned to them, “I’m glad” Julia said and my smile grew bigger and heard Julia and Bree walk out of the room and I sat in front of the fire as I continued to hold Ophelia, “I will love you with everything I have my precious girl. I will never let anyone touch you or hurt you for as long as I’m around” I Promised her as she fell asleep in my arms.

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