Part 30

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Wanda, me and Pietro joined the rest of the team, minus a few people, Loki, Bucky, Sam and Peter, I'm guessing in case anything happened at the compound.

I wanted to test out if I had pyrokinesis or not. I know it's risky but risks are there to take so why not?

A sub-Ultron was walking towards me. I focused in on my powers and tried to remember how I felt when I burned Kyle.

Slowly the sub-Ultron was burning, the metal, melting.


My pyrokinesis must be really strong to melt metal huh?

And not just any metal, vibranium, freaking vibranium. Woah.

"Good job Y/N." Dad commented, blasting light from his palm.


Steve looked at me, in shock.

I realized I had done that infront of everyone. No one, besides Dad, Nat and Wanda, knew I had pyrokinesis.

"Oh shi-"


"Right, yep sorry." Even during a fight Steve managed to catch me out.

I looked around, over half of them had been taken out.

Vision was busy trying to defeat the real Ultron while we were fighting his lookalike bots.

"ULTRON HAS UPLOADED HIS CONSCIOUS INTO A BOT!" Steve said running and shouting over all the noise.

"Oh shit." I muttered under my breath.

How the fuck were we supposed to find out which one is Ultron?

"So I'm guessing... that means Vision has beat up Ultron pretty good..
for Ultron to have to use his other bots." Nat said, through pants.

"Yeah, we need to find Ultron in these bots and get rid of him." Steve replied.

Clint frowned "One problem, no one here is strong enough to beat him, no offense, I mean these were just sub-Ultrons but this thing is where it could get messy."

Everyone then scanned each other before landing on me.

I was staring into mid-air and when I looked back, realized everyone was looking at me.


Tony rolled his eyes, probably wondering how I'm his daughter. Fun fact: I get it from him.

"You need to beat Ultron." Pietro said.

"Woah, woah, woah, woah calm down why me?"

"Because you melted a sub-Ultron." Wanda said.

"Yeah exactly sub-Ultron, who are programmed, who dont know what they're doing, not the real Ultron who's capable of way more than me.

"Give it a try, Y/N." dad said.

I stared at all of them, hopeful faces. "Fine." I sighed, incapable of handling their puppy dog eyes. "Just one thing, how do we know which one is Ultron?"

"Everybody fight one bot if they turn out to be Ultron, call Y/N." Bruce said.

"Ok, then." I said. "Let's do this."

We walk towards the remaining bots and start crushing the stupid hunks of metal.

The bot swings something toward my leg and I wince at the pain. It's numb at first then I feel a sharp pain searing into my skin. I quickly scan my leg, there's blood trickling down everywhere.

"Shit." I look back up, glaring at the bot.

I use my pyrokinesis to melt the bot "You know you sorta ruined my day and you see tomorrow is my birthday so I need you to be gone." I watch as the Ultron melts into nothing. "Yay."

Suddenely, Clint yells. That was my signal.

"Oh well, here goes nothing."

"You can't defeat me, the Avengers must be extinct." Ultron says.

"The only thing extinct here should be you." I reply.

I build up my anger, focusing in on all the times I felt like I was about to burst, all the times I felt like I was foing to explode, all the times I couldn't take it. I gathered all my anger and forcefully pushsd until Ultron slowly began forming into a liquid silver puddle.

"Never mind, I can upload my conscious into any of the remaining bots." He looks around and I hear the team going off to fight them.

Ultron, still half-alive fired bullets in the direction of Hawkeye when suddenely Pietro stepped in the way "You didn't see that coming?" Pietro mumurs, before falling.

Wanda screams as she falls to the ground in pain, fortunately she releases all her powers blasting all pf us including the bots. And suddenly Vision appears. "Step aside Y/N."

I step aside and go console Wanda as Vision finishes defeating Ultron.

Wanda sobs into my shoulder.

The rest of the team are fighting off the last bot before Ultron uploads his conscious into it.

I sigh a breath of relief when Vision has defeated Ultron.

Nat comes to me and Wanda and helps me to bring her back to the compound.

Last Edited:
20th September 2022

Word Count:

Enemies To Lovers | bucky x fem reader Where stories live. Discover now