Part 29

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"Is that your dad?" Wanda asks.


Dad looks down and spots me, Nat, Wanda and Yelena.

"Dad, what the hell is going on, I have a feeling you've got something to do with this."

"Why me?" Dad asks, surprised as if it's the most insane thing he's ever heard.

"Because it's technology, you and your technology, besides how'd mom take it."

"Oh you don't wanna know."

I smirked, imagining mom yelling at dad. " So was it you?"

Dad looked guilty. "No, no, no way." Dad scoffs. "Why would you think that?"

I raised my eyebrows. "Do I really have to explain?"

"Ok fine it was me, bye off to save the world, oh and I made you a suit." Dad threw a suit which immediately armed my body.

"HEY!" "Well I guess a suit sounds nice. Am I an avenger now?" I said, scanning the suit.

"You'd make a good addition." Nat said.

"Thanks Nat."

Nat smiled. "No problem." 

Nat was crouched down, hand on the floor, leg outstretched as she swung her head up, almost in a posing position. Like a spider. Which madd sense. She was Black Widow.

Yelena rolled her eyes. "Such a poser."

Me and Wanda laughed. Even during a world crisis Yelena doesn't fail to make us laugh.

Nat frowned. "I'm not a poser."

"You sure about that?"

"Yes and can we talk later when we're not being killed by walking, talking robots?"

"Yeah sure!"  

"Ok, let's do this."

Steve, Clint, Bruce, Thor and another guy with white hair were walking up to us.

Wanda run up to the guy with white hair and they hugged.

Who the heck is this?

Steve walked to me. "You ok?"

I snapped out of my thoughts.

"What? Oh yeah I'm fine, hey who's that guy hugging Wanda?"

"It's her brother."

"I never knew she had a brother."


"Wait, WHAT THE F-" Steve turned to face me, giving me the stare. "Fudge. I was going to say fudge."

Steve looked back.

"So Wanda has a brother but not only a brother a twin brother."


"And she didn't tell me? Oh well, where's eve-"

I turned to talk to Steve but he was gone. Then I saw him, dad, Clint, Thor, Bruce and Nat fighting off a bunch of evil, talking robots.

I slapped my forehead. What kind of world do I live in?

Wanda was running up to me, her brother by her side.  "Hey Y/N, duck."

"Behind there." Wanda's brother said, pointing behind to a warehous looking building.

Once we were safe Wanda's brother spoke, "Who's this?" He said, cocking his head to me.

"This is Y/N, she's one of my friends, Y/N this is my twin brother, Pietro."

"Hi, nice to meet you."

"Hey, you too."

I looked at the chaotic scene behind us. "So we gonna fight these metal tin cans or what?"

Wanda and Pietro gave me a smirk.

(Just imagine Pietro is smirking too)

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(Just imagine Pietro is smirking too)

Author's Note

All I'm gonna say is there's going to be quite a bit of drama and if you're a fan of Pietro, sorry.

If you want a Pietro x Reader I am working on a marvel oneshot and I'll try fit him in there.

Last Edited:
20th September 2022

Word Count:

Enemies To Lovers | bucky x fem reader Where stories live. Discover now