Part 26

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We had arrived at the mall.

Nat, Wanda and Yelena were acting very suspicious but I didn't question it, I mean they were usually suspicious anyways.

We decided to do some dress shopping first. This I found strange considering it was my birthday tomorrow.

Did they know? How was everyone finding this out. Ah, never mind I can bet 100% that this was my dad.

Well, I mean, I wouldn't be surprised. Dad had probably already planned my 30th birthday in advance.

We walked inside and did some simple clothes shopping, nothing too extravagant or expensive.

Maybe they didn't know. Now that was surprising.

Wanda started to closely examine a piece of clothing as if she was hiding something. I was even more suspicious now.

"So Y/N? You an Bucky huh?" Wanda said.

Why? Why would she bring this up?

"What do you mean what about Bucky, who said anything about Bucky besides he's got a girlfriend. An annoying one though."

"Damn Y/N, breathe. It was just a question? Unless..."

"No, no Nat no, nothing is going on between us, we hate each other, remember?"

"You sure about that?" Yelena chipped in.

"Oh not you too."

"Come on Y/N, admit it, you BOTH have feelings for each other."

"Nope. No. Zero. Even if I did why would I say?"

I saw Nat and Wanda exchange sneaky glances.

"Can we shop now? I want vests with lots of pockets." asked Yelena.

Well at least I know what to get for Yelena, if I ever have to.

Wanda, me and Nat started laughing then agreed that we ahould probably get going.

Author's Note:

I know I haven't wrote in a while and also this part may have been very short than usual but I've been taking a few days off because my grandad passed away. I'm sorry I haven't been updating as much as usual but I will try to as I get back to a normal routine :)


Sorry I haven't been updating much but my family is under a lot of stress and grief so I'm taking a week off, hopefully things will have settled a little so I can get back to writing this story.

Last Edited:
20th September 2022

Word Count:

Enemies To Lovers | bucky x fem reader Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ