Part 3

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"You." the man said back.

It was the guy who had crashed my car. OH FUCK please don't tell me he is Bucky.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I asked.

"I could ask you the same question."

"I asked first."

"I live here, now your turn."

"This is my house."

Bucky throws his head back mumbling. "Fuck. Wait how is this your house?"

"None of your business."

He walks up to me grabbing my wrist, his grip tightening with every second. "How is this your house?" He said in a low tone.

I pulled my wrist out of his grasp. "Fuck off I said don't touch me again" I said through gritted teeth.

"Yeah about that I didn't appreciate you twisting my wrist."

"Do I look like I care?"

He grips my wrist even harder that by now there's most likely a bruise."You got a lot of attitude."

"You shouldn't go around grabbing stranger's chins."

"I do what I want and I'm not gonna let a kid tell me what I can and can't do."

I use my other hand to tightly grip his wrist but then find that his wrist is metal. What the hell is he a cyborg or something. I then kick his knee. He groans and doubles over and bend down to his ear. "First of all I'm not a kid second get the fuck out of this room, tin can." I say pushing Bucky to the floor.

Bucky gets up and puts his metal arm around my throat. "Don't call me tin can."

"I'll. Call you. What. I want." I said through small chokes.

I gripped his arm that was on my throat and attempted to twist it. Not much luck there considering he had metal for an arm.

Suddenly a woman with red hair opened the door and looked towards both of us. "Woah. Ok." She said running up to us. "Bucky put her down."

"Only if she-"

I felt anger boil through my skin and before I knew it Bucky was on fire, shouting and yelling. The red-haired woman grabbed the nearest fire extinguisher and doused Bucky in the foam.

We all began breathing heavily.

Bucky looked like he was ready to kill while the red-haired woman looked like she was trying to stop laughing.

"Damn girl so who are you?"

"I'm Y/N Stark."

Bucky's eyes widened.

"Tony has a daughter?"


"Ok well I'm Natasha but you can call me Nat, was this guy bothering you?" She said looking at Bucky.

"Yes, not to mention he crashed my car earlier and still hasn't apologized." I said gritting my teeth.

"This bitch gripped my wrist and kicked my knee. I'd say we're both even."

"No shut up you-"

"Ok, ok guys chill and Bucky, out. now."

"Nope." He said crossing his arms.

Nat went up to him and tried to push him out. "Little help here?"

I walked over and helped Nat push him out. Eventually we got him out the door, shut it quickly then locked it.

"Oh, finally, thank god." Nat said, squatting.

"What's his problem?"

"Well he's usually always a grump, don't worry about it, not to mention he belongs in an antique shop."

We laughed.

"So where'd you live before coming here?

I paused for a few seconds before answering.

"With my ex-boyfriend in an apartment in Jersey City.

"Cool, but ex? What happened, if you wanna talk?"

"No it's ok."

I hesitated before beginning.

Nat noticed this and put a hand on my shoulder to reassure me.

I went back to the start.

Author's Note:

I hope you are enjoying the story so far. The next Chapter might have flashbacks and contain mention of sexual assault. I will put a warning just in case. And hope you have a great day :)

Last Edited:
23rd August 2022

Word Count:

Enemies To Lovers | bucky x fem reader Where stories live. Discover now