Part 8

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"We're back!" I shouted as me and Nat came in with the shopping bags and burgers.

Dad likes burgers too.

We had decided to buy everyone burgers for lunch because who in their right fudging mind doesn't like burgers?

Mom walked in.

"Where have you two been?"

"Shopping, and we brought burgers for lunch." I said.

"Great and I'm guessing by the amount of bags you have, you spent all the money on your credit card."

I smiled guiltily.

Dad then walked in and I knew I was in trouble, BIG trouble.

"Hi h- woahh woah woah what is all this?"

"Umm shopping...and burgers."

"You call this shopping because to me it looks like you brought a mall... I'm fine with the burgers though."

"We're in trouble aren't we?" Nat whispered in my ear.


"Well dad... I--erm... needed new clothes."

"Yeah sure whatever ju--"

Mom began laughing.

"Why are you laughing, she gets this from you."

"Yes but weren't you saying earlier that she gets everything from you?" mom said trying to stop herself from laughing.

Me and Nat began to laugh and quickly slipped past them while they were busy discussing what I got from who.

We went to the kitchen and put down the burgers on the table then we ran up the stairs trying not to fall with the ten bags we had.

We got into my room and started to sort the bags.

I checked my wriswatch it was two thirty.

Once we had organized whose stuff was whose, Nat took her stuff to her room and I began putting mine away.

The door creeked open.

"Dad, the burgers are on the table, if you're hungry."

"I'm not your dad."

I turned around and froze, it was Bucky.


"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"What do you mean what am I doing? This is my fucking room!"


Me and Bucky's eyes' widened and we both frowned.

"Steve, where the hell did you come from? I asked.

"Oh I was just walking and overheard you talking."

"Ok, first of all creepy and second, were you eavesdropping?"

"No, no I wasn't."

"Well, ok then, continue walking, Mr. Muscles."

"You know I was hoping you had dropped that nickname when you called me Steve.

"No way!"

Steve laughed.

"So were you two arguing again then?"

"It's not my fault she's a brat."

"And it's not my fault he's such a douche.

"Ok, you guys need to stop this."

"Not until she apologizes."

"Apologize? Really? Ok I'm sorry...tht you don't know how to drive properly!"

"Oh fuck you!"

"Ok how about you both really apologize to each other, at the same time?" Steve suggested, as if it was the most simple thing in the world.

"Why should I have to apologize, I didn't even--"

"Just do it."

"Sorry." We both mumbled at the same, knowing we wouldn't get out of this.

"Sorry what was that, didn't hear it."

"SORRY." We said louder, both knowing we didn't actually mean it and would end up fighting again later.

"Good, now I'm going down to eat something."

"There are burgers in the kitchen if you want some!" I shouted after him.

"Got it!"

Bucky was glaring at me.

"I didn't mean that sorry." he said.

"Neither did I." I said going back to sorting my shopping.


"Great, now get out I'm sorting out my stuff."

"I'm not going anywhere, doll."

I turned around.

"What did you call me?"

"Sorry, doll did that bother you?"

"Oh, ok, I see how it is, metal man."

"Game on."

Last Edited:
24th August 2022

Word Count:

Enemies To Lovers | bucky x fem reader Where stories live. Discover now