Part 31

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Once we all get to the compound, me and Nat settle Wanda down before deciding we should give her a little space and talk to her later since Wanda just stares into oblivion.

My heart broke for her. Pietro was the only remaining family she had left.

TW: Mentions Blood

I go up to my room and go to the bathroom, I put up my leg on the bathroom counter, wincing at the quick movement. I take off my suit, chucking it in the laundry and put on a fresh, new top.

I examine my leg and I get flashbacks to when Kyle cut my leg. I banished the memory. I limped back to the room to grab a cloth, not noticing Bucky was there.

I grab a cloth and turn to see Bucky, staring at my wound, eyes widened.

I then realized my legs were exposed and I was only in my underwear. Shit.

"How the hell did that happen?"

"Ultrons shit bots."

"Come here."

I hesitate, but he just picks me up and carries me to the bathroom, swinging me over his shoulder.


He places me on the counter and takes the cloth off me, rinsing it with warm water.

"Don't cry."

"I'm not gonna-"

I wince as Bucky presses the cloth to my leg. "Shit shit shit shit shit shit." I whimper and curse under my breath, closing my eyes.

"I said don't make noise."

"Well actually you said not to cry."

"Same thing."

"Not really." I mutter under my breath.

"What was that?"


Bucky continued dabbing at the wound until most of the blood had cleared.

I stared at Bucky while he cleaned my wound. Why was he helping me?

"I'm going to get bandages, stay here."

"I can do-"

"Stay. Here."


God why was he being so dominant. It's painful.

Or he's just grumpy today.

Bucky came back with bandages and started wrapping them, gently around my leg.

"Hey Bucky?"

He looked up and for some strange reason my stomach flip-flopped.


"You're welcome, doll."

My stomach flips again. I prevent myself from smiling at doll.

Bucky washed off my blood from the cloth.

"You don't have-" Bucky silenced me with a glare but I just helped anyway. 

After we finished washing up we went back in the room.

I hang the cloth to dry. "So what's up with the silent treatment?"

I turn around and Bucky is right in my face.

I let out a startled gasp.

He doesn't respond just stands, staring into my eyes.

I already knew where this was going but why not have a bit of fun with it.

I push my body closer to his.

Bucky's expression is full of lust and desire.

"Honestly why are you-" I'm cut off as Bucky smashes his lips onto mine.

Author's Note

I cannot begin to explain how fun it was writing the sexual tension in this Part.

I was internally screaming as they got closer and this is all happening right before Y/N's birthday. Oh well early birthday present I guess ;)

Last Edited:
20th September 2022

Word Count:

Enemies To Lovers | bucky x fem reader Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat