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✦༝┉┉┉˚**.☣ ♡ ☣.**˚┉┉┉༝✦

"Do you think Claire is okay?" Amara asked Leon as the elevator came to a stop, Leon unwrapped his arms from her waist before leading them out of the elevator. "I'm sure she's fine," Leon told Amara before grabbing her hand and interlocking them. "What's that?" Amara asked Leon as one of the screens in front of them began frizzing, the duo approached the screen and noticed Claire on the screen. "Speak of the devil," Leon whispered to Amara who was relieved to see Claire was okay.

"Claire!" Leon shouted getting her attention. "Leon, Amara? You're down here too?!" Claire replied as she looked from her screen spotting the two. "Yeah, but the whole place is coming down," Leon warned her as he pulled Amara closer to him. "Listen to me. You need to get out. Fast!" Leon told her as the alarms continued and the monotone voice echoed its warnings. "Yeah. There's a way out. We can make it! Where are you two now?" Claire asked.

"Claire? You still there?" Amara asked as the screen turned to static before clearing. "Leon, Amara? Hey guys, you're breaking up..." Claire warned them with a worried expression. "Forget about us! Just get out of here!" Amara told her before smiling softly at Leon, "We'll find a way out!" Leon nodded in agreement with Amara. "We lost her..." Leon told Amara, the two looked down with a sigh. "We've gotta find a way out," Amara reminded Leon.

Amara made a move to keep walking when Leon grabbed her waist and pulled her back into him, her hands rested on his chest as he looked down into her eyes. "Leon?" Amara whispered before Leon leaned down and kissed her again causing her to melt against him. "Why did you do that?" Amara asked with a dazed smile once he pulled away. "Because we have no idea how tonight will turn out and I'm taking every chance I get after missing prior opportunities," Leon explained before kissing her again with my passion.

"And as much as I am loving this, we really need to find a way out," Amara told him as she reluctantly pulled away from him. "Good point. We'll have plenty of time for kissing later," Leon told her before grabbing her hand and leading her out of the room. Amara's heart felt as though she had ran a marathon and she wasn't sure if that was because of Leon or the situation they were currently in.

The couple rushed down stairs as the monotone voice continued to taunt them, they made their way down onto an platform that lowered them down. They rushed past the plant mutated creatures before heading down more stairs, just as they went toward a door, Mr X made his appearance. "Uh... Is this a fucking joke?" Leon muttered as he tightened his grip on Amara's hand, leading her away from the Tyrant whose eyes were focused on her.

Flames and explosions surrounded the couple as they ran until they reached a dead end, Mr X instead shoved Leon aside before lifting Amara from the ground by her throat. "Amara!" Leon shouted, he didn't want to risk shooting her and he knew she was still exhausted from the battle earlier that night. As Leon went to help Amara, explosions went off sending the three off balance.

"Amara!" Leon shouted, he couldn't see her in the midst of the smoke and flames causing him to panic. "I'm okay," Amara's soft voice pulled his attention from the flames to the left where Amara limped her way over to Leon. "Gotta keep going..." Leon mumbled to her, placing a gentle kiss to Amara's forehead before the two continued on their way. "Do you think he's dealt with?" Leon asked Amara after seeing the flames.

"I really doubt it," Amara told him before they stepped out on a large platform, more explosions filled the laboratory. "Told you," Amara stated as she looked up to see the Tyrant standing above them, his shirt had burned off revealing his mutated arm. "Get ready to fight," Amara told Leon before stumbling on her feet, she was beyond exhausted and Leon knew that. "We got this," Leon told her before they began firing at him.

Amara tried to focus on her power, let it flow through her despite her exhaustion as she watched the Tyrant attempt to strike Leon causing her anger to rise. As Leon sprayed the Tyrant with his flamethrower, Amara let her eyes focus before a light glow of blue covered her form. Amara smirked before rushing forward, she threw a right hook punch into the Tyrant causing him to stumble back from her.

The Tyrant growled before thrusting his mutated arm forward as an attempt to claw through Amara, but the girl caught its arm and used her strength to push off of the ground and throw the large creature into the fencing. The impact caused a large pillar to collapse, explosions continued around them as Leon noticed a case containing a grenade launcher. He smirked before rushing over while the Tryant was distracted, Amara noticing Leon's actions.

Amara slid across the ground coercing the Tyrant toward Leon allowing him to raise the launcher onto his shoulder, once Amara was safe, he fired the weapon blasting the Tryant's top half of his body out of existence. "Well, I'd say we are finally free from Mr X," Amara told Leon as he helped her up. "We're a great team, you know?" Leon asked with a playful smirk. "An epic team," Amara replied before she kissed him.

✦༝┉┉┉˚**.☣ ♡ ☣.**˚┉┉┉༝✦

Finally reaching the bottom level of the laboratory, the train approached and the couple were quick to get onto it, barely getting on as explosions almost prevented it. Leon turned his head to Amara, the woman was taking steady breaths before laughing quietly. "What's so funny?" Leon asked her. "We made it," Amara answered before looking up at Leon, she smiled widely before hugging him.

Amara and Leon got up to head into the train, both were stunned to see Claire and Sherri standing together. "Amara!" Sherri called before she ran towards her, the two embraced in a tight hug. "Sherry, I'm so glad you're okay," Amara told the girl as Leon smiled at the sight of the sisters uniting. "Leon, it's good to see both of you," Claire told the couple, she smirked seeing Leon linking his fingers with Amara's after Sherry stepped away.

"And it's good to see you," Amara replied with a smile until a sudden feeling washed over her, she felt like something was coming ─ A threat. "We made it out," Claire said with a proud smile. "I said we would," Leon teased as Sherry laughed at the comment. "Leon..." Amara muttered anxiously, he immediately turned to look at Amara with a worried expression. "What is it?" Leon asked as Sherry and Claire noticed Amara's eyes glowing blue.

"He's coming..."

✦༝┉┉┉˚**.☣ ♡ ☣.**˚┉┉┉༝✦


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✦༝┉┉┉˚**.☣ ♡ ☣.**˚┉┉┉༝✦

Author Note
I definitely rushed this chapter, its midnight and I should be sleeping but I'm writing instead. So here's a new chapter!

Next chapter is the final for part one!!

P.S: The image above is *chefs kiss*

Mel <3

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