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"I want to find out what's happening here. And stop whoever's behind it," Leon spoke up once he had calmed Amara down, she was taking steady breaths as she leaned back against the wall with the rain falling in her face. "Helping people like them... that's why I joined the force," Leon added, Amara smiled at the pure aura that is Leon Kennedy. "My mission is to take down Umbrella's entire operation. We may not make it out," Ada informed him.

"Whatever it takes to save this city... count me in," Leon replied as he shifted on his weight. "Let's get to it then!" Amara cheered as she stood up straight and walked up to the two. "Anything to make them pay for what they've done to these people," Amara added as her body relaxed from the pain and a soothing calm washed over her, she looked down to see that Leon had interlocked their fingers like it was the most natural action ever.

They made their way through the alley as Ada began speaking, "Heard of the Umbrella Corporation?" Amara shivered slightly at the company that essentially took everything from her. "They're a pharmaceutical company secretly making bioweapons," Ada continued, Leon looked over at Amara who looked down knowing that she was one of their bioweapons. "They have a virus - it turns people into indestructible monsters," Ada finished off.

"That explains the horrible things I've seen..." Leon responded back as he smiled softly at Amara in hopes to reassure her after seeing her upset. "And that's why I'm looking for Annette Birkin-" Ada spoke up as they walked through the rest of the alleyway, Amara's heart pounded at the name as she realised that Annette had to be the woman that took her in and changed her into this bioweapon against her own consent.

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"She's the one at Umbrella responsible for unleashing the virus," Ada pointed out before looking back at Amara with a sly smirk, "And responsible for making you, Amara Williams." Amara shrunk back slightly as Leon glared at Ada, he didn't like the look she sent Amara. "You were saying," Leon spoke through gritted teeth, Ada was stunned for a moment realising just how protective Leon was off Amara and she couldn't risk losing his alliance.

She turned back around and continued walking, "I'm going to be the one to bring her down." Leon stayed close by Amara as they followed behind Ada down into the sewer. "Stay close," Leon told Amara as she jumped down into his arms before walking into the pipe after Ada. "This is how we get to Annette," Ada informed the two, Amara was slightly hesitant on going into the sewers as she was worried about what could be lurking in the dark pipes.

"Based on what you've said, the sewer seems fitting," Leon spoke up before smirking at Amara as she giggled quietly. Ada rolled her eyes at the moment and headed into the sewer with the other two following behind her. "Can't imagine a real scientist being down here..." Leon said as he adjusted the gun in his hands. "According to HQ... this leads right into Umbrella's secret facility," Ada informed him as Amara gulped, she wasn't overly fond with the idea of going back to the lab.

"Come on... Sewers are run by the city," Leon argues back but even Amara held no surprise at the knowledge that the city knew about the underground lab. "How could they have a facility... without the authorities knowing?" Leon added as he looked back at the two women. "I mean... They had to of known about it... Corruption isn't uncommon," Amara stated casually, Leon sighed as Ada nodded slightly in agreement. "Welcome to corporate America. Umbrella's controlled Raccoon City for years," Ada informed him.

The entire pipe shook followed by a loud rumble which made Amara jumped towards Leon, clutching his arm and looking around ready to either fight or run. "Was that an earthquake?" Leon asked as he rested his hand over Amara's. "I sure as hell hope so," Ada replied as Amara stepped away from Leon with slightly flushed cheeks. They continued walking when something large moved past them on the other side of the gate, Amara's eyes widened as Leon gulped hoping that they wouldn't have to face it.

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They continued walking through the sewer, Leon dropped down leaving Ada and Amara up on the ledge. "Are you sure this is the way?" Leon asked as he grimaced at the sewer water he was standing in. "Unfortunately," Ada responded as she knelt down grimacing at the water. Amara went to jump down but was stopped when a loud rumble echoed throughout the large tunnel. "Wait there," Leon said as he held up his hand before looking down the pipe.

"Leon..." Amara spoke softly as she debated on whether or not she should jump down. "Amara, Stay up there with Ada. I'll be fine," Leon assures her, he didn't want to risk her getting hurt further. A large mutated alligator appeared with razor sharp teeth and a thirst for human, Amara instantly panicked and went to jump down to help Leon when Ada stopped her. "Leon!" Amara screamed out, she fought against Ada's hold on her without risking her strength hurting Ada.

Leon ran from the mutated creature as Ada dragged Amara with her to find a way to help Leon out of there. Amara's heart was pounding as Ada let go of her, they continued through until Ada stopped Amara. "If you think that you will be leaving this city alive with Leon then you are wrong. He can't protect you and it'll kill him trying... So if you really care about him, then you'd let him leave alive," Ada taunted with a sly smirk before rushing off at the sound of an explosion.

Amara stood frozen as she processed Ada's words, was she right or was she trying to get in between them? Amara shook her head and rushed forward in hopes that Leon would be okay. "Chew on that... you overgrown son of a bitch," Leon's voice echoed through the tunnel which helped Amara relax knowing he was okay, but for how long would he be okay? Amara would die to save Leon, she knew that much.

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✦༝┉┉┉˚**.☣ ♡ ☣.**˚┉┉┉༝✦

Hmmm.... :)
Mel xo

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