1.17 | 𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗙𝗜𝗚𝗛𝗧

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Amara landed on the ground, lifting her head to see Leon firing shots into the mutated man's yellow eye. She pushed hard off of the ground and was sent into the air, Leon dodged William's clawed hand as Amara landed on his back with force knocking him down to his knee. She raised her spare dagger, slamming it down into the side of his neck before dodging his clawed hand when he attempted to grab her. She ran across his shoulders aiming for the swollen yellow eye that had been proven to be weak spot but William grabbed at her.

Amara landed safely on the ground after William tossed her away, her fringe covered her face as she looked up at the monster. Amara's eyes were glowing a vibrant blue as her veins began glowing, her entire body was radiating a powerful energy that had Leon and Annette watching in awe. "It worked..." Annette whispered happily, she had created an anti-weapon against Umbrella, an Immune Tyrant that could single-handedly take down Umbrella.

Amara sped forward in a blur, throwing such a powerful punch into William, it sent the monster into the wall with an impact crater. She barely broke a sweat as she continued throwing hits into William, she smiled slightly as she skidded back from his hit to her stomach, she raised her hand to him before forming a fist, a glowing aura built within her palm before she opened it to release the energy within her hand. The force of the energy sent William down to his knees as Leon watched from the side.

Amara smirked before rushing towards William, she pushed off of the ground and grabbed the arm without an eye before twisting it around - pushing off the ground with force as she tore his arm from his body. William let out a pained cry that echoed through the room as Amara threw the torn arm to the side. William turned his attention from Amara to Leon, growling before rushing towards him and throwing him to the side causing Amara to growl.

Amara took notice of the two separate yellow bulging eyes, taking those in as weak spots she watched as Leon fired shots into the eye on his arm. Amara took a slow breath before rushing forward, she pushed Leon out of the way and took the hit from William. William went to slam his arm down on Amara but she caught his hand; she pushed back on his arm but he only pressed down further - the ground underneath her began to crack as she held herself.

"Amara!" Leon screamed as she cringed in pain, her shoulders beginning to pop out of place when fire hit the back of William allowing Amara the opportunity to push back and slide away from William. Amara took slow breaths as she rolled her shoulders back into their natural place while Leon continued to shoot William as a distraction. William threw Leon to the side, the rookie cop hit his head harshly as Amara watched - her eyes widened at the sight.

"Leon!?" Amara screamed out as Leon blinked trying to steady his aching head. Amara - now seething in pure rage - stood from the ground and screamed before running forward without allowing William an opportunity to stand his ground. Amara built a large amount of energy within her palm before colliding with William in a large burst of light causing Annette and Leon to cover their eyes.

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