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✦༝┉┉┉˚**.☣ ♡ ☣.**˚┉┉┉༝✦

Amara and Leon walked through the corridors entering different rooms in hopes to find as much supplies and ammo as they could while taking down as many zombies as possible. They made their way into a small office where a door sat with the symbol of a blue spade, Leon pulled the key out of his pocket and unlocked the door. "Stay close to me, I haven't been through here. Alright?" Leon says to Amara as she makes sure her gun is ready, she nodded at him as he opened the door.

Leon switched on his flashlight, shining it down on way before the other which had a close corner to turn. They slowly made their way around as a loud mechanical sound caught their attention followed by a loud crash causing Leon to step closer to Amara protectively. Leon looked at Amara before turning back towards the other way, opening a door a looking into the room where a statue of a man stood.

Amara looked around as Leon approached the statue messing with it as Amara collected any needed items including a key card. "Hey, I found a key card for the weapons locker. Could be useful," Amara says causing Leon to walk over to her as she held it out for him to hold onto it. "This is definitely useful, Amara," Leon spoke making Amara smile happily before she continued on her search, Leon watched her as she looked around.

He had met a lot of people but something was different about Amara, she wasn't afraid to smile wholeheartedly even in this dreadful situation. She was good at spotting useful items and the way she held her gun was professionally well trained, she held no real fear to the beings around her. He had only seen her use the gun once and at close range but could tell she was already a good shot, he didn't know what to make of it but he trusted her.

Leon also realised that he is yet to hear her say his name, they've spoken on and off and even asked each other a few questions but she hadn't said his name. He didn't know why he wanted her to say his name, he didn't understand why it seemed so important to him. While he had been distracted admiring the woman, Amara had read through a Raccoon City magazine article titled; The Red Stone.

She turned to look at Leon as he slowly approached her having snapped out of his trance, he looked over her shoulder reading the article. "But, dear reader, one would do well to approach with care, for devilry lies in beauty's shadow. This jewel has turned caring nobles who love their subjects into despots more terrible than Caligula, and we have tales to prove it. Seriously, it's precisely because these jewels are bathed in blood that their ouster stirs something in the hearts of people everywhere," Amara read out in a smooth voice making Leon shudder ever so slightly.

Leon let out a short breath before stepping back, "Let's check out those weapon lockers." Amara nodded in agreement, unsure why his cheeks were tinged pink again but she assumed that was natural for him. She found a lot of the things he did were intriguing, he was strong-headed and she couldn't help but admire the way he was handling things. She was even willing to admit that he was a very attractive person.

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