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✦༝┉┉┉˚**.☣ ♡ ☣.**˚┉┉┉༝✦

Amara and Leon found themselves back inside the police station on their search for power panel parts and it was eerily quiet yet disturbingly suffocating in regards to that dark presence that Amara can feel. They both agreed to go see what may have happened to Marvin which left them both saddened when the shell of the man began groaning and growling at the two as it attempted to walk towards the two survivors. Leon raised his gun and fired two shots into his head before lowering the gun slowly and sadly at the remains of the lieutenant who helped them get this far.

They took a moment of silence in memory of him before continuing on their way. Leon had found a spare key for the lockers where they got more shotgun ammo and gunpowder before they headed through the halls. Leon looked up at Amara as she held her gun ready to shoot anything that came at them, he was once again admiring the woman despite her reveal about being an experiment which angered him to think someone would do that to someone at such a young age without their consent.

They heard a distant yell causing Leon to grab Amara and pull her into a hidden corner using his body to shield her leaving Amara was trapped between the wall and Leon. Her left hand was resting on his chest while the other held her gun to her side, the two of them taking slow shallow breaths to stay concealed in the dark corner. "I think we're safe," Amara says after a few minutes of silence watching the adjoining hallway. She turned her head and Leon quickly noticed the close vicinity between them, her warm minty breath brushing against his face as she looked up at him.

Leon's heart began racing as he looked into her bright blue eyes, he had an urge to grab her face and kiss her. Amara wasn't sure what Leon was doing but she had focused her hearing to check to see if the coast was clear, doing her best to ignoring the rapid beating heart from Leon with the belief he is just worried for their safety. Leon stepped back before his mind convinced him to kiss her, she was becoming addictive to him and he wasn't sure that was a risk he should take.

✦༝┉┉┉˚**.☣ ♡ ☣.**˚┉┉┉༝✦

Amara and Leon continued on their way through the police station in search of the items they needed to get out of there. Leon avoided Amara's gaze as his mind attacked him on his conflicting attraction towards Amara while she was feeling anxious, something dark was roaming the same halls as them and it caused a deep pit within Amara's stomach as she held the gun tightly in her hands. They were ambushed by a Licker on their way to the locker room after finding another spare key within a safe.

Amara grabbed the spare knife from the locker and headed out of the room to kill the Licker, Leon watched as she pushed off of the wall before driving the blade into its head. Amara panted as she stepped back from its dead body, she looked up at Leon and nodded before the two headed back into the main foyer of the station before opening a new doorway that revealed the chief's office that was locked and stairs going up and down.

Leon motioned towards the lower stairs where they checked the doors and found some more healing supplies and ammo. "Are you okay, Leon?" Amara spoke softly as she fell into step next to the attractive officer. "Huh? Uh, yeah I'm alright... Are you?" Leon asked as he turned his gaze to her bright blue eyes and soft smile. "With you by my side, yeah... I'm alright," Amara assures before the two fell into a comfortable silence walking through the corridors in the dark and dead station.

They made their way up to the third floor and searched the place thoroughly for any useful supplies as Leon walked straight towards a dead guy, firing two shots into its head leaving it to fall dead to the ground as Amara shot down another one sneaking up behind them. Leon found a large gear as Amara picked up some more herbs to put into her pouch, she looked over towards the door to the roof. They both headed out, the rain pouring down on both of them as they looked over the edge to see a ladder.

"I'll go down first," Leon volunteered before smiling kindly at Amara. He stepped over the ledge and onto the ladder, he made it down and nodded up at Amara. Amara cleared her throat as she stepped over the ledge and began climbing down the ladder only for it to break off and begin to fall backwards. Leon quickly caught Amara as she pushed off the ladder, landing safely in Leon's arm which left them both on the ground as the cold rain fell onto their faces.

"Are you alright?" Leon asked as she took in slow deep breaths to calm her racing heart. "Yeah, Thank you..." Amara replied as she turned to look at him, their faces barely inches apart which made Amara feel a strange warmth within her chest along with a fluttering feeling in her stomach, neither feelings made any sense to the Tyrant woman but she didn't hate the feeling. She wanted to feel it all the time but she wasn't sure what it truly meant but maybe, she could ask Leon, right?

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✦༝┉┉┉˚**.☣ ♡ ☣.**˚┉┉┉༝✦

Author Note
Hey! I'm so sorry for the delay in updates and for this short chapter but I will be trying harder to update this story despite my wounded finger.

Just know I will complete this story no matter how long it may take!

See you in the next chapter!
Mel xx

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