Chapter five

Beginne am Anfang

He took my hand and started dancing to the beat of the song. I kept looking back to Lionel checking if he was jealous or something, but instead I saw him and the bitch ugly giraffe laughing.

Ok it's nothing bad-oh it is, she's trying to take your ma- he's not my man, so shut up Elena.

Did I also mention that I talk to myself a lot, or more likely to Elena. The little voice in my head, that has always been there for me since my parents died. Yup that day.

You didn't tell them about your lost sis- shut it, we don't talk about that, she was nothing to me. She was just a girl that would constantly tell me shit. Like you were a mistake, parents wanted a boy not a girl, you fucked up there lives.

Because of you there dea- enough talking, get back to reality Elaina. I named her Elena cause we both almost have the same names.

"Are you ok" said Michal "uh ya, I was just thinking that's it ." I lied giving him a fake smile. Always works on other people. "Hmm ok"

We started dancing until I finally felt Lionel's eyes on me. I look behind me and saw him starting at me.
Hah take that you bitch- your gonna regret it- oh shut it's not that bad

Not long until I heard Michal tell me we had to switch.
Told you- shut up

"Where am I suppose to go" "you'll get picked randomly, just be patient" fuck me

As soon as Michal left to dance with someone else, I felt two strong arms around my waist. I looked and I saw him, he was there dancing with me. Oh this is gonna be good- shut up befor- before what, you can't do anything cause I'm just in your head and you can't hurt me.

Oh I will figure something out don't worry- Elaina stop worrying about me and worry about the reality, Jesus- ok but shut up- fine whatever

"I see you've met my cousin" His why now "uhh are you talking about Michal?" It can't be true, must be talking about Simone else. "Yup it's him" ok never mind.

"Why we're you dancing with him" cause I can you fucking bitch "cause I can" i gave him a duhh look
"Just because i dance with someone doesn't mean you can dance with other people" "what was I suppose to do stand there like a fucking idiot, ya no I'm good"

"I can tell your a jealous one" he smirked "I'm not jealous for your information Lionel" maybe I was, but I can't, he fucking took me from my closes family "Lilith"

"What did you say?" Oh shit did I say that out loud?
Yes you did dumbass- I thought I told you to shut up. I'm just here to tell you the truth that's it. Whatever

"Oh nothing, don't worry about it" why the fuck would you say that. It just makes him wonder even more- oh shit huh I forgot, fuck me

"I would but, you wouldn't be able to walk the next day" Lionel was smirking. Fuck did I just say that out loud. "Elaina you really should stop thinking out loud" he laughs dumb bitch, think lower

"Let's go" wait what, where? "Where are we going?"
"We're going back to house" "already?" Honestly I didn't want to go, I had just met Michal, and now I'm leaving him

"Yes we're leaving now, let's go" I fucking hate my life "ugh fine" and with that we leave

Really short chapter I know
Im sorry but my hand got tired, and I'm tired.
This is not edited
Hope y'all like my story, I'll update tmr, and if not, maybe the next day.
Also look At the new cover I made for this book

 Also look At the new cover I made for this book

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