Well...he's pissy

Start from the beginning

After biting his arm and pouring the blood in a beer bottle he passed it to Stefan "Bottoms up. We're leaving." without another word Nik headed down the mountain. After leaving the bodies burning, I followed after him, knowing that the fire will turn the bodies to dust without it affecting nature. 

Since dear Nik was once again mad at me or as I like to call it pissy, he was ignoring my existence and heading where? Yes, you guessed it! Chicago bitches! I didn't mind going there, buuut the fact that he was ignoring me was quite infuriating. I tried talking to him, but he ignored me each time. His silent treatment only increased the tension in the air which was already very noticeable. Stefan looked between us confused by Nik's sudden change of behavior. Being the mature person that I am, I decided to give him the same treatment. 

Should I have told him how everything would play out? Probably. Would he have listened to me? Not really, he would hear what he wanted to and ignore the rest. This way he will need to listen to everything I have to say. That is if he wants everything to go without a hitch.

Hopefully, I chose the best approach, only time will tell. Nik was, if nothing else, consistent with his childishness and brutality, which makes him as unpredictable as they come. It's going to be a bumpy ride, but I'll make him see things my way. But hey, I'm nothing else if not stubborn, so he doesn't really have a choice.

When we finally arrived in front of Gloria's bar, Nik and Stefan got out of the car and I followed right behind them. 

Nik looked at Stefan smirking "Welcome back to Chicago, Stefan."Stefan looked between Nik and the bar, confused  "What are we doing here?"

I tuned out the two of them and headed inside the bar, the two of them following behind me, talking about the good old days. The bar was void of people, it was so quiet and dim that one would think that no one has been here for a long time.

I could sense Gloria's presence right away, she was definitely nearby. Scanning the whole bar, I noticed her coming towards us. She looked at me warily, trying to determine how much of a danger I was to her. Before she could say or do anything, she heard Nik's voice coming from behind me. "So a hybrid walks into a bar, says to the bartender..." humor clear in his words. I rolled my eyes at his attempt at being funny but stayed silent nonetheless. 

Gloria copied my reaction and muttered annoyed "Stop. You may be invincible, but that doesn't make you funny." Noticing Stefan behind him she declared "I remember you."

Stefan watched her carefully unsure of the right words to say to her "Yeah. You're Gloria. Shouldn't you be..." Gloria waved away Stefan's words as if his assumptions were ridiculous "Old and dead? Now if I die, who's going to run this place, huh?"
Nik stood by my side notifying us, or more so Stefan "Gloria's a very powerful witch."

Gloria absentmindedly commented "I can slow the aging down some. Herbs and spells. But don't worry, it'll catch up to me one day." after those words left her mouth, her eyes once again focused on me, assessing my strength. 

Noticing her attention was solely on me at that moment, Nik turned to Stefan "Stefan, why don't you go and fix us up a little something from behind the bar?"
I stood silently, looking around the bar but my magic was buzzing, just waiting for one wrong move from Gloria. She wasn't stupid enough to attack me in front of Nik, seeing that we came there together, but that didn't mean that she would have any good intentions. I'm sure that the fact that I was a siphon wouldn't make her my best friend. Gotta love witches and their aversions. 

Trying to shift her attention from me, Nik complimented her "You look ravishing, by the way.", as if that would make her less suspicious of our visit or our intentions. 

She looked at Nik for a brief moment, but just as soon as it happened, her gaze was back on me  "Don't. I know why you're here. A hybrid out to make more hybrids? That kind of news travels."Who knew I would be the star of the show? Just kidding, it was totally expected, Nik may be an original vampire-werewolf hybrid but she already knew what he was capable of and I was a completely new figure, a witch-something. I highly doubt that she could sense my werewolf side, but even if she could, she probably never encountered anything alike. The uncertainty must have been killing her and I was relishing in every moment of it. 

Ignoring her questioning look, Nik continued "So what am I doing wrong? I broke the curse."Letting her curiosity get the better of her, Gloria looked back at Nik and finally asked "Obviously you did something wrong. Now, are you going to be civil and introduce the girl?"

Nik smiled cheekily "Well, I'm many things, but I'm not sure civil is one of them.", he still avoided looking at me and I rolled my eyes and smiled coldly "Seraphina Bennett. Nik told me a lot about you, it's truly a wonder you have lived so long, of course, everything has its price. Doesn't it Gloria?"

She tried maintaining her relaxed posture and blank facade in front of me, but I could feel her frustration and distrust. I had no idea stating something so obvious would have been such a touchy subject. Oopsy. My bad!

Nik looked between the two of us, trying to act oblivious to the tension in the air. "So, the curse?"

He did his best not to show his own frustration with how easily I turned Gloria's mood sour but I knew it was there, just brewing and waiting to explode.

Not letting my words affect her, Gloria finally focused on Nik "Look, every spell has a loophole, but a curse that old...We'd have to contact the witch who created it." Just because her attention shifted, didn't mean that her magic wasn't on alert the same way that mine was.

Not liking the sound of her words, Nik gritted out with a slight grin "Well, that would be the original witch. She's very dead."

Ignoring his feelings, Gloria stated once again "I know. And for me to contact her, I'll need help. Bring me Rebekah."

Not wanting to wake up his sister, Nik tried to get out of it "Rebekah. Rebekah is a bit preoccupied."

Gloria just stared at him blankly "She has what I need. Bring her to me."

At that moment, Stefan decided to be a nuisance once again "What is this?" Looking at him, Nik noticed him holding a photo in his hand. 

Grinning lazily he just shrugged "Well, I told you, Stefan. Chicago's a magical place."

Stefan looked as confused as he does most of the time "But this is me. With you."

Let the fun times begin. One Mikaelson was about to be woken up and the rest will follow soon enough.

I loooved reading each of your comments but I wanted to answer your questions publically, therefore...

What is the one question that you would like to ask about this story or the characters?

I'll answer the best I can without spoiling the rest of the story.

Wordcount: 1860 words

The Bennett Siphoner - N.M., K.M., K.P.Where stories live. Discover now