The Roadtrip

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I'm amazing I know. I procrastinated with editing this chapter and since it's a bit late in my country, there could still be some mistakes, so feel free to point them out if you notice them. 

But yes, here's a new chapter!

Vote if you like it and let me know what you think!

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Btw I realized that I haven't posted a picture of Luna's tattoo before, so here it is! This is a triquetra and those that watched Charmed will immediately recognize it.

♥️ Happy reading! ♥️

We walked in silence which fortunately wasn't awkward. I actually enjoyed spending time with him despite how often he managed to get on my nerves. Soon enough we reached the Grill and my eyes immediately zeroed in on Nik standing by the car. There was something about his presence that made it impossible not to notice him even in a crowd of people. 

Seeing him put a smile on my face instantly, temporarily forgetting about my previous stress and worries. 

"Finally Luna, I've been waiting for an eternity" Nik's grumpy self came out to greet me. I just chuckled "Then it's a good thing that you're immortal" I winked while patting his shoulder and slipped past his reach, heading for the passenger seat. Nik grumbled but went in the driver's seat without another word, Stefan joined us soon after, sitting behind us. 

Of course, Kol couldn't miss a chance to complain about sitting next to the depressed-looking vampire. I didn't know if I should scold him, agree with him or simply laugh, because honestly can you imagine Kol and Stefan ever being friends? Yeah, me neither.

Now, here's the deal. Nik was hiding something from me so I was hiding something from him. Childish? Perhaps, but he needs to understand that he can't hide stuff from me and expect me not to do the same.

So, here we were. Two hybrids, an original vampire and let's not forget the sulky Salvatore. Nik didn't know about Kol, nor about Elena being alive. I haven't seen her since before the sacrifice, but seeing Bonnie today told me everything. She transferred John's life force to Elena in order to bring her back to life as a human. I mean I'm not one to say 'I told you so', but I did tell her. That's the problem with kids these days, they just don't listen.

How did Stefan end up in this lovely predicament? Easy, Damon tried to free the vampire and the werewolf in order to delay the sacrifice, but with no Matt to save him, he was caught. What a shock. Totally unexpected. Anyhow, Stefan had to make a deal with Nik in order for Damon to be let go. 

I took Elena's blood before the sacrifice because I wanted to make sure there were at least a few bags for a few worthy werewolves. She willingly gave her blood to me after she slipped and told everyone about my plan. I guess she felt bad about it or whatever. I just cared about getting the blood, but hey, that doesn't mean I can't play nice when I need to.

So, where were we right now? Oh yeah, Nik is trying to find out the location of a certain pack and he's a bit pissy because...well he knows that I know their location. Obviously, I don't intend to tell him, he deserves to suffer. 

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