Chapter 28. Watch Her

Start from the beginning

Two small bodies lay under the covers that slowly come up then back down at a steady pace.

My feet betray my mind as they walk closer to Daisy. I was just going to check on them, but I have to see her.

Once I see Daisy's sleeping face, I kneel in front of her and kiss her nose lightly to not wake her up.

"I won't let her hurt you princess. Not again." I whisper. I don't know whether I'm saying this to her, or to myself.

Either way, it had to be said.

She stirs in her sleep but remains asleep.

I smile and stand back up.

I walk out of Carson's room and into my own. I throw my shirt on the lone chair and plop on my bed.

The morning sun comes up. Sleep was nonexistent tonight. I hate sleepless nights.

I haven't heard Asher come back yet.

Sitting out of bed, I undress and put on fresh, clean clothes.

My brain pounds against my skull. Coffee, I need coffee.

I walk groggily to the kitchen and brew a large pot of coffee.

As I wait, Asher walks through the door sweaty and shirtless.

"Long night for you too?" He asks.

"Guilty." I chuckle until the pounding in my head forces me to stop.

Asher smiles as he walks past me and out of the kitchen. Damn he stinks. I hope he's getting in the shower.

When the pot fills with coffee, I grab a nearby mug. The black bean extract fills my mug to the brim before I set it back down.

As always, I don't add milk, creamer, or sugar because black coffee is the best coffee. The stronger, the better.

After taking a sip, my taste buds explode as the bitterness hit it. I bring the coffee into my room with me and set it on my end table.

I pull out my laptop and turn it on. I might as well get a little work done while the girls sleep.

Daisy's POV

I wake up to light shining through the window. The warm heat blinding me as I open my eyes.

I sit up and look over at Carson's sleeping body and smile. Her blonde hair disheveled and in her face. She's cute!

The door opening causes my eyes to flicker towards the person coming in.

"I came in here to close the curtains so the light wouldn't wake you up, I see that I'm too late." Daddy Asher chuckles quietly.

I giggle softly, trying to not wake Carson up.

Standing out of bed, I help daddy Asher close the curtains until the room is dark then I follow him into the kitchen to see Drew cutting fresh fruit.

The smell of fresh bread filters through my nostrils as I deeply inhale the yummy smell.

"Hungry?" Drew asks.

I nod my head and watch daddy Asher walk to a half full coffee pot.

Drew lays sliced fruit on a plate then cuts a slice of bread to only have it be set on the plate with the fruit.

"I got the bread this morning at a little shop. It's good and fresh." Drew says as he hands me the full plate.

I ignore his words and plop on the floor with my food in my lap. It looks yummy.

"Let's go sit at the table angel." Daddy Asher walks towards me.

My lip draws a pout on my face. I don't want to move. I like it in here.

I dismiss his stare and bite into the bread. So flaky, so, so good!

"Why is my princess on the floor?" Daddy James asks coming through to the doorway.

"I like it here daddy. Let me stay."

He chuckles and slices a piece of bread for himself before plopping on the floor in front of me.

It's funny to see a man as big as him sit on the floor, hunched over.

"Carson still asleep?" Drew asks.

"Yes. She needs help brushing her hair when she wakes up." I state remembering her messy bed head.

He nods and places more sliced fruit on a plate.

"How about we go to the store to get you and Carson a bathing suit. We can go swimming in the pool today." Daddy Asher suggests.

"Yes!" I bounce excitedly.

After breakfast I pull a pink crop top over my head.

"Ow daddy!" I hear Carson yell out.

I giggle knowing that Drew is brushing her messy hair out.

I'm finally done getting read after twenty minutes.

Carson meets me at the front door with her arms crossed.

"I'm going to shave my head so daddy can't brush my hair anymore." Carson grumbles.

The memories of having no hair flood back.

"You wouldn't like not having hair." I comment as both my daddies walk down the hall.

"Carson. Your daddy is going to stay here while we go to the store. He has work to do." Daddy James tells her.

She nods and turns towards the door.

"Let's go." She says as she walks out.

She seems sassy today.

I grab daddy Asher's hand and walk with everyone to the car.

My daddies sit in the front while Carson and I sit in the back.

The drive to the store is short, it's basically right down the road from the house.

When we walk inside, Carson and I filter through the isles looking for the perfect bathing suits.

"Is this one cute?" Carson asks holding out an orange bikini.

I shake my head.

"No, I don't like it." I crunch my nose.

She puts the orange bathing suit back on the rack. I turn to my right, following the line of bikinis until I see familiar bright red hair.


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Thank you all for reading! Please remember to like, comment, and follow!

I think I can officially say that my usual updating schedule is back!  


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