Chapter 32 ⚠️⚠️⚠️

Start from the beginning

You both laughed in unison as you continued to re take hits of the blunt. "So you were fucking somebody who's government name you didn't know?"

"Pretty much." You shrugged in response.

"You really hit the jackpot with guys don't you n/n." She sighed you nodded in a sarcastic agreement and the two of you sat down and enjoyed your high. "I sure fucking do." You were able to act normal since you smoked quite often and therefore had a high tolerance.

Malika on the other hand, was a lightweight. Her eyes were bloodshot red and her heavy breathing sounded like she was doing it manually. "Mali, what's your ass gonna tell Shota when he sees you?"

"That I'm sick or something." Malika's phone began to ring, she picked it up and moved to the backseat of Tomura's car. "So you got sick in the space of an hour and a half? That's bullshit."

She tapped you on the shoulder to catch your attention before giving you the phone. "Yo, It's Izuku sis."

You scoffed before snatching her phone and putting it onto loud speaker. "Nigga what the fuck?" You yelled, shocking Malika and leaving Izuku confused on the other side of the call.

"What did I do now?" He sighed, you could tell by his tired voice that he was most definitely zooted as usual. "You fucked Toga."

Deku paused for a moment before letting out an animalistic laugh through the phone. "So?"

From the corner of your eye you could see Malika left in complete shock at not only at the shameless act from Himiko, but also the reaction from her cousin. "You know she was with Uraraka right?"

"Not my problem. We were both high as fuck too, it was only one time."

You sighed and rolled your eyes, one thing that annoyed you about Izuku, he had a really careless attitude. It was almost impossible to argue with him. "You're fucking terrible you know that."

"What? I don't regret it. Best fuck I've had in a while. You know she's really, really good with her ton—" Malika covered her ears and yelled to block out anything Izuku was saying about your friend.

"Nigga no one wants to hear about that." You groused and placed the phone on top of the dashboard.

"Well How do you think I feel when I hear Tomura and Katsuki talking about you and Mina?" Malika glared at you with raised eyebrows as you screwed your face and processed the words that came out of Deku's mouth. "Wait what?"

"Ummm...So anyways how are you?" Deku attempted to change the subject, realising he accidentally mentioned something he shouldn't have. You shook your head and refused to let Izuku. "Nah speak up little Cousin."

"I'm not involved." Deku groaned.

"Nah nigga, tell me about these little talks you have."



"Do you play chess young man?" Shota asked Shigaraki as he sat down in his office chair. It was a large room with a wooden interior and oak floors with various shelves of hardback books.

Tomura slowly analysed the office, from the small expensive leather sofas to the bright tank situated in the corner filled with a variety of colourful, tropical fish. "Yes Mr Aizawa, my father taught me how to play when I was younger."

The younger male took a seat opposite Aizawa and watched as he slowly set up the chessboard. "Please, call me Shota. Mr Aizawa makes me sound old." Your stepfather lightly chuckled before moving a chess piece on the board.

𝐑𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐠𝐧𝐢𝐬𝐞 - 𝐓. 𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐤𝐢Where stories live. Discover now