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"Im sorry what" Minjung laughed. "You know who i'm talking about I gotta go me and hubby needs to go shopping see ya Kook" he hung up leaving Jungkook speechless. "Taehyung! Come in here please" the door opened revealing the elder.

"My brother has invited me over, he wants you to come too" Taehyungs eyes widened a little and a small chuckle came out if his mouth. "Sure, I have no lectures tomorrow i'm free" he smiled at the younger. "How comes he wants me to join?" Jungkook stood up.

Jungkook was hoping the elder wouldn't have asked that question. "I think he thinks we're dating" Taehyungs laughed and clapped his hands as Jungkook just stood there and watched with a small smile.

"I'd love to pose as your boyfriend, baby" Taehyung hugged Jungkook small waist and kissed his neck.

"Shut up bro" Jungkook smiled.


Jungkooks alarm went off making Taehyung groan and put it on snooze. "Taehyung did you turn my alarm off?" Jungkook huffed and scratched his head. "No I put it on snooze, it's so early we don't even have any lectures why are we supposed to wake up now" Taehyung kissed Jungkooks nose and pulled the blanket back up to his neck.

"If we don't get up now we won't get up when we're supposed to be getting out, remember we have lunch at my brothers today" Jungkook yawned and sat up. "You look so hot right now you know?" Taehyung commented before closing his eyes again.

"Is that so? I could get used to seeing you when I wake up you look good too with your messy hair and deep voice" he smiled and caressed Taehyungs hair.

Jimin opened the door. "Hey hotties, you gays getting up?" Taehyung tutted. "Jimin I told you to stop saying you gays instead of guys, please listen to me" Jungkook laughed lightly. "We'll get up in a bit Hyung thanks we're having lunch at my brothers today"

"Thanks for telling me Kook and for being so nice unlike the GAY you're sleeping with" Taehyung rolled his eyes and rubbed his cheek. Jimin closed the bedroom door and left the dorm. Jungkook looked down to see Taehyung running his fingertips over the youngers abs. "You have your own you know?"

"Yours are hotter though, uhh I'm gonna go to the bathroom and freshen up now" he kissed Jungkooks abs then his lips. He went to the bathroom to brush his teeth and whatever was needed. "Your turn" he shouted as he exited the bathroom in just shorts.

Jungkook got up and walked passed Taehyung after slapping his arse. "JUNGKOOK" he ran into the bathroom and locked it. The younger brushed his teeth and called Taehyung to enter the bathroom. "Yeah what's up" Jungkook grabbed Taehyung by his shoulder and quickly attatched his lips to Taehyungs.

But before he could pull away Jungkook pulled him in by the neck for more than just a peck. "Mmmhmm Jungkoo- kook~" their lips smacked intensely.  Taehyung the tapped the bottom on Jungkooks thighs telling him to jump so Taehyung caught him and put him on the sink counter.

"Sorry I just needed some morning sugar AFTER we both brushed our teeth" he smiled sweetly at Taehyung. "You know you have insane duality I like that about you so much" Jungkook snickered and looked for a shirt and Taehyung did the same.


"Gosh you're crazy Jimin"
"What can I say i'm magical aren't I" Taehyung slapped Jimins head. "No you dumbfuck what makes you think Yoongi is gonna say yes to being you're husband" Jimin tutted. "Not my husband, my wife" Taehyung rolled his eyes.

"Speaking of my future wife. Yoongi!" He turned his head and walked over to the three. "Hey guys" the cafeteria was quite packed today, they were serving spaghetti and meatballs, nothing too special.

"Yoongi I have something to say" He sat down next to Jimin and looked at him as he spoke. "So Yoongi" Taehyung started as Jungkook put his finger over Jimins lips and shook his head. "Maybe when you start dating rather than two days after meeting bae"

Jimin pouted. "Are you going to tomorrow basketball game?" Yoongi smiled. "Of course i'm part of the team" jimin stared at Yoongi in awe. "Could you get anymore perfect" his mouth was open and his eyes fluttered. Yoongi laughed and looked back at Taehyung.

"You guys gonna come?" Jungkook pushed Jimins jaw up so that his mouth was closed. "Of course we are now, to support you" Yoongi smiled at Jungkook. "Good to hear, have any of you guys seen Dongmin by the way?"

They all shook their heads. "I stayed at Taehyung and Jimins dorm last night so im not sure" Yoongi nodded and looked around. "Oh I see him hes with Gayoung, i'll catch you guys later yeah?" They all said their goodbyes and carried on eating.

"Why didn't you guys let me ask him to be my wife" Jungkook and Taehyung looked at eachother. "It's a little soon baby" Jungkook caressed his hair, receiving a glare from Taehyung which made Jungkook smirk in mischief. He was jealous.

"Is it?" Jungkook nodded. "It's okay come here" Jungkook spread his arms for Jimin to envelope himself into which he did not even realising the fire in Taehyungs eyes. Jungkook kissed the top of Jimins head and they heard a loud noise. It was Taehyungs slamming his hands on the table.

"Me and Jungkook have to go now we have plans" he got up and untangled Jungkook hands from Jimins body and dragged him to his dorm leaving Jimin alone well until some of Jimins friends came upto him.

"What was that for?" Taehyung locked the dorm door once they entered and Jungkook plopped himself down on Jimins bed. "I should be saying that. You were all over Jimin and even gave him a kiss on the head, and you looked at me and did that smirk you do, you know what you were doing kook"

Thats what Jungkook was expecting and he loved it. "Awh baby you're jealous" Taehyungs eyes widened. "I am not jealous, Kim Taehyung does not get jealous" Jungkook shrugged. "Well then you must really like me then cause you're getting jealous"

Jungkook walked to Taehyung and wrapped his arms around Taehyungs waist and kissed his neck. He whispered in his ear. "I'm all yours Tae don't worry" giving chills down Taehyungs whole body.

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