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"Minjoo? As in Im Minjoo?" So he does know her then. "I'm not sure of her surname but Minjoo" he started tapping his pen against the table then stopped and looked at me. "She's had a crush on Taehyung ever since high school she went to our school and was just stuck on him"

"Why doesn't she just leave him alone if he's gay?" I don't get it what is her deal? "Her parents" oh. "They really want her to marry him." Im sure they know about his sexuality though right? "They do know he is gay by the way, in Minjoo's family there's like this big competition thing for who's daughter can marry the most handsomest man and Taehyung is pretty hot I'm sure you agree and they won't let him go no matter what"

Holy crap. That is so stupid, all just to be 'brag' in the family huh? "I'm assuming Taehyung knows about this" he nodded. "That's the main reason he rejects her other than the fact that he likes men"

"Thanks for informing me I thought she was just desperate" i let out a small laugh while scratching my nape. "It's all good don't worry"


I started heading to Jimin and Taehyungs dorm as Jimin gave me a spare key. I finally found their dorm and put the key in twisting it slowly snd opening the door making sure to close it behind me.

"Hello?" I knocked on a door that said 'do not enter' not knowing who's it was. "Come in!" I opened it seeing Taehyung laying on his bed in shorts, just shorts, on his phone. "Oh Jungkook? What are you doing here? How did you get in? Did I forget to lock the door?" I laughed "Jimin gave me a spare key, I'm tutoring you both today"

"Ooh well jimin isn't here he said he'll be back in like an hour if that's okay with you? It was a last minute thing" Hm he didn't tell me about it. "Yeah that's fine" he smiled and pat a spot next to him on the bed so I'm assuming I'm supposed to sit next to him. "So you're smart smart huh?" I turned to him and crossed my legs.

"I guess? I've never failed an exam, study almost everyday" he hummed. He looked like he was about to say something but someone knocked on the door. "I'll get that" he got up and went to the door. "Shit Jungkook come here please" I went to him. "Give me a hickey"

What? "Sorry?" He grabbed my arm softly and pulled me towards him "Minjoo she's on the other side of that door" I looked through the peep hole to see her patiently waiting. "Do I have to give you a hickey?" He nodded. "Quick Jungkook"

Gosh what am I doing with my life. I grabbed his neck attaching my mouth to it sucking it softly. Taehyung then put his hand in my hair and pulled it slightly pulling me closer. "Mmh" I sucked harder until a purple blotch appeared on his neck. He looked in the mirror and ruffled his hair before coming to me.

"Arms up" I didn't question and did what was told. "Taehyung I know you're in there open up!!" She knocked more but rapidly. He pulled my shirt over my head and threw the shirt on the floor and ruffled my hair me not saying anything just watching.

He opened the door after pushing me away from the door onto the bed so she can't see me yet.

"What now Minjoo?" She looked at him up and down. "Oppa who gave you that hickey? And why is your hair messy? Who are you with?" He scoffed "Jungkook" That's my queue. I got up and walked behind him holding onto his waist. "Hi Minjoo" I smiled.

Somebody walked up behind her, she started crying and ran away bumping into Jimin- Jimin? Shit he's gonna see this scene fuck. "What was that abou- did you two fuck?" I quickly moved away from Taehyung and put my shirt back on. "No he was just helping me because of Minjoo" Jimin then pointed at his neck.

"This?" Taehyung rolled his eyes. "He gave it because I asked him too so it would be more believable" Jimin laughed "I am just helping a brother out Jimin" he put his bag on the table. "Minjoo probably thinks I'm a bottom now I should have given YOU a hickey because I'm a top" yeah right I could top him anyd- no shut the fuck up Jungkook

"Shut up" Jimin got out three texts books and some snacks. "Come on I got snacks too aren't you gonna wear clothes Tae?" He shook his head. "It boiling" he came and sat down at the big desk same with me and Jimin I sat in the middle with Jimin in my left and Taehyung in my right.

"So what do you guys need help with?" Jimin pointed at one of the books. "Math okay don't worry we will get through this you too Taehyung?" He nodded. "Alright then let's start ay?"


"Yeah that's correct, see it's only been an hour and you already have gotten five questions correct you both are smart just need to focus more" they both smiled, they both managed to do a lot and understand easily. Yes they don't pay attention in class but hey they get it once they get it.

"Wait can we take a break please" Taehyung dropped his pen on the table and rubbed his temples. "Yeah of course that's fine" Jimin got up and went to the bathroom. That's when I felt a big slap on my right thigh. "You are so fucking smart that's really hot of you ya know?"

What do I say to that? It's a compliment right? "Thank you, and no I did not know that" i shrugged and put down my pen. "Gosh I really wish I gave you that hickey instead is it too late?" I nodded roughly. "Yes it is very late to do that"

I moved my chair away from him but only for him to grab the edge of my chair and pull it back to it's place. "Oh come on it'll only take a second" why is he so flirty surely he's like this normally. I'm gonna have to get used to this huh?

He then pat both of his thighs indicating- wait indicating what? "sorry?" He did it again. "Sit on my lap for a minute so I can give you that hickey" gosh why is he so hot- what the fuck Jungkook get your head out of the gutter will you. Somebody tell me who I stood up.

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