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Do I just go out? With a massive boner in a boxers? Oh this is gonna be so embarrassing.
I got ready to be humiliated as I walked out, hands trying to cover up the bulge in my boxers.


Jimin was calling everyone to get ready on their diving boards before they could jump in and race. "Okay Jungkook you sit down here, let them go and you can join in the second round okay?" Jungkook nodded.

He looked at Taehyung who was already looking back at him, specifically at Jungkook boxers. He had a smirk plastered on his face. "Taehyung what did you do? He has a huge boner" Jimin laughed. "Oh don't worry about it" he turned to look at the other guys on the diving board about to jump.

"On your marks, set and go!" Jimin shouted and they went under the water swimming like their lives depended on it. Jungkook watched them in awe. Jungkook called Jimin over.

"Um do I have to wear one of those swimming caps?" Jimin tilted his head. "Well it prevents your hair from getting in your face and keeps it dry, but it's really your choice. I mean Taehyung doesn't wear it" Jungkook nodded and decided not to wear it as whenever he would wear one he would get a massive headache and would have a strange line across his forehead.

"Alright get on the last diving board there, their on their way back" Jungkook sighed and got up as Jimin walked off. As he waited for them to get back and on the diving board he say down like a dumpling on the board. Taehyung stole a glance of him and laughed softly "what are you laughing at?" Taehyung shook his head. "No nothing" he choked

All the boys got ready on the board. Both Taehyung and Jimin were impressed with Jungkooks form not knowing that the hoy used to take private lessons back in middle school and high school.

"Oh Jungkooks form is so hot" Jimin couldn't help but compliment how good Jungkook looked "sure is" Taehyung was the one to let them go. Taehyungs eyes were glued to Jungkook, he watched as his muscles flexed as he brought his arms up and back into the water. He was fast. Faster than everyone else. Infact he was the first to finish.

He got out of the pool. Water dripping from his hair and body, breathing heavily. "Fuck" Taehyung cursed under his breath. "Jungkook is super fast huh?" Jimin looked at Taehyung. But the younger had his mouth wide open checking out the brunette.

Jimin quickly closed Taehyungs mouth. "Sorry, it was cool" Jimin raised his eyebrows continuously teasing Taehyung. "Oh fuck off man"

"Alright guys that was a good round you are all slowly getting faster and improving. Jungkook, that was awesome" Jimin praised him once again and Jungkook flashed a smile. "I really need to buy some swimming trunks" Jungkook spoke to himself not paying attention to whatever Taehyung was saying.

"Jungkook. Is there a problem?" Jungkook looked up at the elder in confusion not realising that he was quite loud. "Oh no nothing" Jimin laughed. "Since today me and Jimin have to study for an upcoming test todays lesson is very short. So you guys can leave. Jungkook stay behind please" Taehyung eyed Jungkook making sure he actually stayed behind.

"Yeah?" Taehyung gestured him to sit down next to him. "I just wanted to say that you are a fast swimmer you are not that bad I guess, still not as good as me but um. Do you need spare underwear?" Jungkook widened his eyes. "Oh yeah shit I have none on me, it's alright um I'll get my roomate to get me some" wait thats kinda weird, Dongmin would find ME weird. Jungkook made faces as he thought to himself.

"I can lend you mine" Taehyung was hesitant with what he said. "Um it's alright dude really" Taehyung didn't no for an answer. He dragged Jungkook to the locker room, nobody was inside. Guess everyone left. "Here" Taehyung passed him a pair of boxers leaving Jungkook speechless. "Thanks" Taehyung nodded.

Jungkook was about to speak. "No jungkook, no you don't need to give it back" Jungkook nodded. "Cool of you to read my mind" Taehyung laughed and took one more look of Jungkooks hot body. "Okay well I'll see you round yeah?"
"Mhm yeah"  Taehyung left Jungkook to change and went back to his dorm room.

(Jungkooks p.o.v)

I was wearing Kim Taehyungs underwear. That was something I never thought I would say. Since it's pretty much the end of my day should I go out? Dongmin said he would be out with his girlfriend and his other friends so he's not free. Maybe I'll just chill at the dorms.


As Jungkook plopped himself on the bed he received a phone call. It was Minjung. His older brother. He instantly accepted the call and put him on speaker. "Jungkook?" The boy smiled after hearing his voice. "Hyung! What's up" Jungkook layed down to be more comfortable as he spoke to the elder.


"Yeah but um I won so he had to buy us dinner" They both laughed at Minjungs story of how he won in a game of Bowling therefore his husband had to pay for dinner. "Hows your little one?" He referred to Minjungs daughter, Taeyun. "Oh she's doing great guess what"

"What?" Jungkook waited for a response. "She told us how shes dating a boy at her school, they're so cute" They paused. "No way really?" Minjung excitedly responded with a yes. "Damn isn't she nine? She getting relationships before me?" They paused once again. "One day Kook" they laughed


They spoke for about another 30 minutes and hung up due to Jungkook being hungry.

"What should I eat?" Somebody knocked on the door. Jungkook got up to open it. "I brought us food" Dongmin, Jungkooks life saver. "Like you read my mind. I'm starving"

They sat down to eat the tub of friend chicken and spoke to eachother about their day. "Oh yeah did you go swimming club?" Dongmin took a bite out if his chicken wing. "Yeah I did, we had a really short session today because the captain and his friend have to study for an upcoming test"

Dongmin nodded. "How is the captain? I heard hes kind of harsh" Jungkook then remembered the scenes of Taehyung taking his shirt off and touching his stomach. His cheeks became a light tint of pink. "You good bro?" Jungkook choked. "Yeah no I'm fine" Dongmin laughed. "So?" Jungkook paused then realised what he was referring too. "Oh yeah the captain"

"He's nice, he told me that I was a good swimmer but said he was still better, hes a bit overly confident but hes pretty hot" Jungkooks eyes widened as soon as he said that last part. "Woah what?" Dongmin kept his eyes on Jungkook. "You catching feelings or something dude?"

Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows. "Am I not allowed to call another guy hot without it being gay?" Jungkook questioned. "I mean good looking, handsome yeah but hot? I don't know about that" Jungkook rolled his eyes. "Whatever, forget what I said please" Dongmin tried to stop himself from bursting into laughter.

"You got plans tomorrow?" Dongmin asked Jungkook. The younger looked up to think. "Not that I know of, i just have my classes then I'm here all day again" Dongmin was about to speak but somebody knocked on the door. "Ill get that" Dongmin got up, washed his hands and opened the door.

"You are not Jungkook." Dongmin looked at other boy. "That is correct"
"Could I see Jungkook?" Dongmin was interrupted by the boy barging in to see Jungkook. "Hey you" He sat down next to Jungkook. "Oh Hey?"

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