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Oh they were going straight to it. "I don't know, I didn't realise how much I wanted to kiss you until you kissed me but I never really felt like it before" Taehyung hummed and nodded. "I Know how you feel because I feel a similar way"

"I don't think I wanna be an official actual relationship though" Jungkook said quietly scared that it would upset Taehyung but no Taehyung agreed, he wasn't ready for it either.

"I agree, let's not date just yet but I still wanna kiss you everyday" Taehyung pecked Jungkooks lips making the younger blush and hide his face with his hands.

"Okay well what are we then?"


"Friends with benefits?" Jimin ate his carrot after questioning Taehyung. "You sure dude?" Taehyung nodded. "Yeah something like that, we both don't have strong enough feelings maybe this will help us?"

Jimin shrugged and pat Taehyungs head. "Whatever makes you happy just if he does anything or break your heart let me know because he's 'straight' " shit Taehyung forgot to ask him about his sexuality once again.

"Yeah I gotta talk to him about that"
"Where even is he?" Jimin turned his phone on and started texting somebody.

"I don't know should I tell him to come to our dorm?" Jimin was too busy smiling at a certain somebodies text message. "Yeah yeah you do that I'm going out"

Jimin stood up and ran out the door after putting his shoes on. "Okay then guess it'll just be me and him" he huffed.

Taehyung called Jungkook and he waited for his beloved. As soon as he heard a knock at the door and quickly opened it and threw himself at the boy.

"Ahh I missed you too" He hugged back and walked inside after letting go of Taehyung. "Where's Jimin?" Jungkook looked around. "He didn't tell me he just flew out the door probably to see that boy again" Jungkook sighed. "Atleast I have you to myself though"

Taehyung smiled once he said that and pulled Jungkook closer to him, hips pressed together, Taehyungs leg in between Jungkooks. "Of course"

They brought their lips together and made out. After a short amount of time of lip smacking they sat down on Jimins bed.

Jungkook layed down and Taehyung hovered over him, "you are so pretty fuck" was the only thing Taehyung said before bringing his lips back down to Jungkooks. Satisfied moans filled the room.

"Hey Taehyung do you kno- holy fuck you guys are making ou- ON MY BED?" Jimin walked in on them, Taehyung cursed under his breath before getting off of Jungkook. "What do you fucking want"  Jimin stepped back. "I forgot my keys do you know where they are?" Taehyung pointed to the bathroom. "Cabinet"

Jimin went into the bathroom got his keys walked back out to see Taehyung back on Jungkook making out once again. "I'm just gonna go" Jimin left and Jungkook smiled.

"He is such a pisstake sorry baby" Taehyung apologised making Jungkook laugh cutely.  "It's okay, do you wanna go grab some coffee?"

"What? You don't wanna stay here and you know, carry on?" Jungkook wrapped his arms around Taehyungs neck and ran his hands through the elders hair. "I would but I want some coffee right now so maybe another time ay?"

Taehyung frowned. "Okay then whatever makes you happy" The elder kissed the tip of Jungkooks nose.


"Here try some of this" Jungkook fed Taehyung his blueberry muffin. "Mm this is nice" he smiled. "Holy shit I see Jimin with the guy" Jungkook quickly turned around to spot Jimin smiling, chin resting on his hand as he watched the guy in front of him speak. "He looks so in love"

"Yeah, he does. I wonder who he's with" Jungkook then looked at the back of the guys head. "He kinda looks like Yoongi" he whispered to himself. "Hm?"

"Yoongi I think that's Yoongi he's with" Taehyung then made eye contact with Jimin, the elders smile faded as he started to realise that the two were spying on him. He showed the middle finger in the most sneakiest way.

"He just showed me the middle finger" Taehyung said with full offence. Somebody then tapped Taehyungs shoulder.

(Taehyungs p.o.v)

I turned around, it was a tall fairly handsome man in a black suit, a straight face and a girl standing next to him. That girl was Minjoo. "Kim Taehyung" Jungkook turned back to me to see the man.

"That is me" who the fuck is he? With Minjoo? "Hello I am Minjoos father, my name you don't need to know yet. I hear that you keep rejecting my here daughter?" This is unbelievable, she's got her dad after me now?

"Yeah, that's correct" He looked at Jungkook then back at me. "Why is that?" I like dick. "I am Into men and last time I checked Your daughter is not a man" he grumbled. "Listen you're young and confuse-"

"I'm sorry who are you to tell me what my sexuality is?" His hand twitched. "Appa don't" he sighed. "Listen could you just sign this contract to say that you will marry my daughter, it isn't real it will just trick my brothers and I will get a lot of money"

"I have a boyfriend sorry" I gestured my hands towards Jungkook and he waved awkwardly. "You wouldn't be okay with me doing this would you babe?" I gave him a look. "No n-no I wouldn't like that"

"Listen Kim, if you do this I'll give you a quarter of the money"
"A third"
"Nah I'm not doing it" He grunted. "But I'll give you half" this bitch. "Money doesn't mean everything to me like it does for you anyways go find somebody else to bother"

I stood up with Jungkook following behind me. I grab his hand and we walk out of the shop. "Sir you didn't p-"

"Tae you didn't pay" Jungkook managed to say. "Yeah I know I'll go back afterwards" after a while we got back to my dorm. "Dude who the fuck was that?"

jimin walked in with Yoongi. "That was Minjoos dad trying to get me to sign a contract to say I would marry her, he just wants money"

"Fuck him he needs help mentally" I agree, if I see his ass one more time I won't hesitate to fucking strangle him. "Taehyung it's okay if he chooses to come back and ask again we can go higher with this you know?" I nodded and intertwined my hand with Jungkooks. He smiled.

"Oh yeah this is my boyfriend guys, meet Yoongi"

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