Chapter 18

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It had been three day's since that day, and Elisabeta was still recovering from it. She doesn't really remember much, other then the pain that she felt before it all happened. When the woman woke up, Jasper took her hunting and when they came back, she felt good as new. Seth was probably the most excited to see the woman, as he pretty much tackled her into a bone crushing hug.

The family watched with smiles, as they watched the two. When suddenly, Elisabeta looked up as if she remembered something.

"Wait, where's Bella? The baby?" she asked quickly. The group moved out of the way, and the woman saw another woman in a blue dress. Edward looked at Elisabeta, and smiled kindly. The woman slowly walked towards the couple, and as if hearing her, Bella turned. Bella smiled at Elisabeta, and that's when the woman saw the baby. The baby turned to look at Elisabeta, and that's when something weird and scary happened.

Elisabeta let out a surprised gasp, while clutching at her chest. Her eyes never leaving the baby. The woman collapsed to her knees, groaning in pain. Jasper knelt down quickly, and held her arm.

"Darlin, what's wrong?" he asked worriedly. Everyone surrounded the woman in concern, but only Vlad knew what was happening.

"My--my heart. It was beating" she stated, but the other's didn't seem shocked. She noticed the beating had stopped, which she found strange. But Elisabeta stood up, and looked at the baby, who was now smiling at her.

"You're her protector" she heard Vlad say. His sister looked away from the baby, and turned to him.

"What are you talking about?" She asked.

"In our culture, we have what we call protectors. Usually, it's towards another vampire but in this case, it's a human. And when Lisa looked into the baby's eyes, her heart started beating, but only for a few seconds. That's why she was so protective through-out Bella's pregnancy, but not towards Bella. To the baby. It would also explain why Lisa turned into that creature. She felt that the baby was in danger, and also seeing her family getting hurt, it made something inside her snap" Vlad explained.

Elisabeta couldn't believe it. She was the protector of a human. Looking back at the baby, she felt so many things. And it caused a genuine smile to appear on her face. Walking towards the couple, Elisabeta couldn't take her eyes off the small human.

"Do you want to hold her?" she heard Bella ask, and she didn't hesitate to nod her head. Bella gently placed the baby in Elisabeta's arms, and everyone watched the two fondly. The baby looked up at the woman with her big brown eyes, and placed a hand on her cheek. Gasping slightly, the woman saw flashes of different memoires pass her vision and when they stopped, she looked at Bella and Edward.

"Was that her power?" she asked.

"She showed you what she remembers?" Edward said, as he smiled at the two.

"So, Renesmee Cullen huh?" Elisabeta grinned at the couple, who laughed.

"Renesmee Elisabeta Cullen" Bella smiled, waiting for the woman's reaction. When hearing her name, she looked back at the couple in surprise.

"Wait, why my name?" she asked, completely confused.

"It seemed perfect. Especially with what Vlad told us before you met her. I know you didn't like Bella at the start-" Edward started, but got cut off by Elisabeta.

"Wait? What makes you think i like her now?" She questioned, which caused Edward to show a smug grin.

"You forget, you and your brother aren't the only ones who can read minds. Plus, Jasper told us that whenever you were around Bella last year and this year, there was no hatred or anger" the man explained, shocking the woman.

"Yeah, w-well. Screw you guys" she grumbled, making the family laugh. Elisabeta looked back down to see that Renesmee had fallen asleep in the woman's arms. She traced the baby's features gently, a loving smile not leaving her face.

"Te voi proteja, până în ziua în care cineva îmi va pune un țeapă în inima. Te voi proteja, mereu"

Romanian translation: (sorry if this is wrong)

-Te voi proteja, până în ziua în care cineva îmi va pune un țeapă în inima. Te voi proteja, mereu = I will protect you until the day someone stabs me in the heart. I will always protect you

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