Chapter 13

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After the fight with the newborns, Jasper and Elisabeta decided it was time to have their wedding.

The venue was in the Cullen's backyard, the theme was black and red. Fairylights decorating the area, a red carpet for the isle, red carpeted steps leading to a red and white floral archway.

Right now, Elisabeta was in her's and Jasper's room getting ready with the girls. Alice was doing her make up, while Rosalie did her hair.

"Are you excited about today, Lisa?" Rosalie asked, while curly strands of black hair.

"I am. I've waited four centuries for this day, and I'm finally going to be happy with the man I love" the woman spoke softly, her eyes filled with love and warmth.

Once the two had finished her look, a knock was heard at the door.

"Lisa? Can I come in?" It was her brother.

"Come in, brother" she called, watching her brother walk in. His brown eyes widened when seeing his sister.

"You look absolutely beautiful, Lisa" he gushed. He was about to pull her into a hug, but was stopped by Alice.

"No smudging my master piece" she scolded playfully. Vlad rolled his eyes, but gave his mate a kiss on the head.

"I have something for you" he said, showing a big velvet box and when he opened it, Elisabeta couldn't help but gasp. In the box was her crown that she used to wear.

"Oh my, I haven't seen this in over four centuries" she said, gently taking the crown out from the box and handing it to Rosalie.

"Well you are royalty, Lisa. Plus, it goes well with the theme"

"Alright, it's time for the dress" Alice squealed, pulling Elisabeta towards her wardrobe. After slipping on the dress, and putting the veil on. The woman was ready.

Walking out to where the girls and her brother were, their attention was now on her. The three gasped, seeing how stunning she looked.

"You're a goddess" Rosalie said, feeling venom pool in her eyes.

"Alright, it's time" Alice cheered, walking out of the room with Rosalie. Vlad smiled brightly at his sister, and held out his hand.

Elisabeta grabbed his hand, and the two walked out and Into the backyard. The woman saw all her friends, family and Bella. Everyone stood up, and gaped at her.

The woman looked at the alter, seeing Jasper with his back turned. When the music started, the twins slowly descended down the isle. Jasper turned, and venom instantly clouded his eyes. A wide smile appeared on her face, causing Elisabeat to mirror his expression.

Blue eyes met gold ones, and it seemed that they were the only ones there. Elisabeta took in his appearance. He was dressed in a black suit, a deep red shirt and a rose pinned to his jacket. He looked so handsome. And he was all her's.

Once they got to the alter, Vlad kissed his sister on the cheek and placed her hand in Jasper's.

"You look stunning, Darlin" Jasper whispered, and if Elisabeta could blush she would be bright red.

"You don't look too bad yourself, Major" she smirked, making him chuckle.

"Save it for the honeymoon guys" the heard Emmett snicker, making the couple laugh lightly. The two turned to Carlisle, who they asked to marry them, and the man started.

"Ladies and Gentleman. We are gathered here, not to witness the beginning of what will be, but rather what already is. We do not create this marriage, because marriage is created in the hearts of two loving people. We can and do, however, gather to celebrate with Jasper Whitlock Hale and Elisabeta Dracul the wonderous anad joyful occurrence that has already take place in their lives, and the commitment they make today"

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