Chapter 15

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Two weeks had gone by, and Elisabeta was in hers and Jasper's room reading to her husband. The comfortable silence was then ruined by Elisabeta's phone ringing.

"Bella? Why are you calling me during you honeymoon?" The woman asked confused, while looking at Japser.

"We had to cut our honeymoon short, and we're on our way home"

"Okay, but that doesn't explain why you're calling me" it was silent for a while, before a sigh was heard.

"Look, when I get home I'm going to need your help. I'm, uh..."

"You're what? Bella tell me what you need my help for?"

"I'm pregnant" those two words caused Elisabeta to freeze, causing Jasper to look at her in worry and place a hand on her leg.

"I'll see you soon, Bella" with that, the woman hung up and dropped her phone on the bed. Standing up, Elisabeta sped downstairs where she saw the other's.

"Bella's pregnant!" she exclaimed, making the other's look at her.

"Probably, but we can't be sure until she gets here" Carlisle spoke calmly.

Elisabeta knew that if Bella was pregnant, it would not end well.

When Bella arrived at the house, Rosalie and Elisabeta helped the swan woman to the couch. As soon as Eisabeta saw Bella, she instantly felt very protective which confused her. But she ignored it. Over the next few weeks, Bella's stomach grew at a rapid rate. Bruises appeared on her stomach from the baby, and the woman was almost skin and bone.

One day, everyone was in the loungeroom, when they heard the sound of a motorbike. Everyone knew it was Jacob, so Carlisle went downstairs to let him in. Not long after, Jacob made his way into the room and Rosalie and Elisabeta standing in front of Bella.

"I'm glad you came" Bella spoke softly from behind Elisabeta, making Jacob walk closer but was stopped by the woman growling at him.

"What's your problem?" Jacob said, glaring at the woman.

"Watch your tone, mutt" Rosalie sneered.

"Rose, Lisa. It's okay" they heard Bella say, making the Jacob walk around them and sit on the couch facing Bella.

"You look terrible" Jacob chuckled.

"Yeah. It's nice to see you too" Bella mumbled with a small smile.

"So, are you going to tell me what's wrong with you?" Jacob asked, making Bella look up at Elisabeta.

"Lisa, you wanna help me up?" Bella asked, as she pulled her blanket off. Elisabeta gently pulled Bella onto her feet, and quickly pulled her shirt down. Jacob saw the stomach and bruises, making him stand up quickly. Suddenly, he marched towards Edward but was roughly stopped by Emmett.

"You did this!" Jacob growled angrily, glaring at the vampire.

"We didn't know it was even possible" Carlisle spoke up, making Jacob turn to the man.

"What is it?" The shapeshifter asked.

"I'm not sure. Ultrasounds and needles won't penetrate the embryonic sac" Carlisle explained. Alice was next to speak up.

"I can't see it either. And i can't see Bella's future anymore" the woman spoke sadly, making Vlad place a kiss on her head.

"We've been researching legends, but there isn't much to go on. What we do know that it's strong and fast-growing" this made Jacob more mad.

"Why haven't you done anything? Take it out of her?!" he exclaimed.

"This is none of your business, dog!" Rosalie spat.

"Rose! All this fighting isn't good for Bella" Esme warned Rosalie.

"The foetus isn't good for Bella!" Alice snapped, making Elisabeta growl at the woman. Jasper quickly grabbed her arm, before she did anything bad.

"Say the word, Alice. 'Baby' it's just a little baby!" the woman spat, making Vlad speak up.

"Possibly" this caused Elisabeta to glare heatedly at her brother, while Vlad just stood there not taking back what he said.

"Carlisle, you've got to do something" Jacob said, but Bella wasn't having it.

"No! It's not his decision. It isn't any of your's" Bella muttered angrily, as Edward took Jacob outside to talk.

Elisabeta could feel how sad Bella felt, making her walk towards the woman. Grabbing her blanket, Elisabeta draped it over Bella's fragile figure, gaining a smile from Bella. The woman grabbed Bella's thin hand in comfort.

Elisabeta still couldn't understand why she was being so protective. She felt that if anyone came close to harming Bella and the baby, Elisabeta would kill them without a second thought. And that confused her more.

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